The show's MC introduced various skits featuring a traveling salesmen, played by Wally Boag, and later Dick Hardwick.
The script for the production was co-authored by two of its stars, Donald Novis and Wally Boag.
Wally Wood | Wally Walrus | La Wally | Wally Bayola | Wally Schirra | Wally Whyton | Wally West | Wally Patch | Wally Lewis | Wally Ingram | Wally Heider | Wally Hardinge | Wally Boag | Wally Wilson | Wally Westmore | Wally Pipp | Wally Hicks | Wally Byam | The Honourable Wally Norman | Michelle Boag | Where's Wally? | Where's Wally | Water Wally | Wally Yachts | Wally Weir | Wally Timm | Wally Szczerbiak | Wally Snell | Wally Post | Wally Parks |