Walter of the Mill, archdeacon of Cefalù, dean of Agrigento and archbishop of Palermo
Peter went with Stephen du Perche and Walter of the Mill to Sicily in 1166 and there became the tutor to King William II of Sicily in 1167.
He was long thought to be an Englishman who came to Sicily with Peter of Blois and Stephen du Perche at the direction of Rotrou, Archbishop of Rouen, cousin of Queen Margaret of Navarre, originally as a tutor to the royal children of William I of Sicily and Margaret.
He rose through the ranks until he was a canon of the Cappella Palatina and a candidate for the vacant archiepiscopal throne of 1168, after the deposition of Stephen du Perche.
In 1174, the first fruits of a plan of the king and the vice-chancellor, Matthew of Ajello, began to flower.
According to Hugo Falcandus, Walter succeeded "less by election than by violent intrusion."
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