
4 unusual facts about Waltham Watch Company

National Watch and Clock Museum

Other highlights include an exhibit of the pioneering automated machinery developed by the American Waltham Watch Company, allowing for the first time to mass-produce watches using interchangeable parts, a large selection of American pocket watches (including Railroad watches), and the "Engel Clock", a complicated "monument" clock built by Stephen Decatur Engel of Hazleton, Pennsylvania.

The College Club of Boston

In 1924 the Club purchased 44 Commonwealth Avenue, which was the family home of Royal E. Robbins, a major stockholder in the Waltham Watch Company, and once the home of American stage actress Maude Adams.

Waltham Watch Company

Astronaut David Scott, commander of the Apollo 15 mission in 1971, wore a Waltham watch on his third lunar EVA when his standard Omega Speedmaster Professional chronograph became damaged.

Upon giving the Gettysburg Address in 1863, Abraham Lincoln was presented with a William Ellery, key wind watch Waltham Model 1857, serial number 67613.

Frederic C. Dumaine, Jr.

He also served as an executive with the American Woolen Company, Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, Waltham Watch Company, Fanny Farmer, Boston Edison Company, Bangor and Aroostook Railroad, Pittsburg and Shawmut Railroad, Boston and Maine Railroad, Boston Garden-Arena Corporation, and Springfield and Eastern Street Railway.

Waltham Aircraft Clock Corporation

The Waltham Aircraft Clock Corporation's history originates 1854 on the banks of the Charles River, in Waltham, Massachusetts, with the Waltham Watch Company.

see also