The original premise of the show expanded to follow the characters to magical lands of Irish mythology, and into outer space.
Don Lennox and Jim O'Hare came up with the idea of Wanderly Wagon when Lennox was giving O'Hare a lift home from work.
Wagon Train | British Railway Milk Tank Wagon | wagon train | The Band Wagon | Goods wagon | Wagon Master | The War Wagon | Suzuki Wagon R+ | Steam wagon | Stan Wagon | Great Wagon Road | Duryea Motor Wagon Company | Dodge Power Wagon | Derby Carriage and Wagon Works | Welcome to The Welcome Wagon | Wagon Wheels | Wagon Train (1940 film) | Wagon train | Wagon Mound National Historic Landmark | Wagon Mound | Vardo (Romani wagon) | Vardo (gypsy wagon) | ''Thespis' wagon'', relief of the Giotto's Belltower | The Last Wagon | The Haunted Wagon Train | The Harvest Wagon | Little Red Wagon | Lancaster Carriage and Wagon Works | Ford Ranch Wagon | Duryea Motor Wagon |