
4 unusual facts about Wang Baoqiang

Li Yixiang

In 2002, he starred as one of the two murderous con men in director Li Yang's Blind Shaft, opposite Wang Baoqiang as his naive would-be victim.

Lost on Journey

Arriving at the crowded airport, Li finds he has been mistakenly booked in the economy class and sits next to the first-time flyer Niu Geng (Baoqiang Wang), who is a naïve and gullible migrant worker.

The Fairy Tale Killer

When a bloodied and incoherent Jun (Wang Baoqiang) confesses to five murders that have not occurred, the police assume that he's mentally unstable and ignore his claims.

Wang Baoqiang

In 2007 when he was filming the movie The Assembly, people who lived near their playstaff saw him and screamed surprisingly: "He is A Bing in An Suan! But he isn't a blind person?"

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