The idea for the pre-sold show received a good deal of attention after she wrote an impassioned post for English author, Warren Ellis.
She is also the inspiration for a comic book character named Melanctha, appearing in the 21st issue of Planetary by Warren Ellis and John Cassaday.
This self-contained story ideal comes (as Tan says) from his idol Warren Ellis - to create a self-contained story in short, perfect tales.
The film also features a wide variety of cross media Ellis collaborators and friends including Joss Whedon, Helen Mirren, Wil Wheaton, Patton Oswalt, Stoya, Zoetica Ebb, and more.
Among those interviewed are comics industry notables Joe Quesada, Matt Fraction, Jason Aaron, Ellis's collaborators Darick Robertson, Phil Jimenez, Cully Hamner and Ben Templesmith, and more.
"Worm Tamer" is a song by alternative rock group Grinderman, written collectively by the band with lyrics by frontman Nick Cave and music by Warren Ellis, Martyn P. Casey and Jim Sclavunos.
Warren G. Harding | Warren | Warren Buffett | Ellis Island | Warren Beatty | Earl Warren | Diane Warren | Warren Zevon | Warren G | Warren County | Lesley Ann Warren | Warren E. Burger | Elizabeth Warren | Warren Commission | Kerry Ellis | Clough Williams-Ellis | Warren Township | Charles Warren | Bret Easton Ellis | Warren Hastings | Tinsley Ellis | John Ellis | Frank Warren | Albert Ellis | Warren William | Warren County, Ohio | Warren Clarke | Tracee Ellis Ross | Ellis Park Stadium | Ellis Park |
Bad Signal is a comic book series created in 2003 by Warren Ellis and Jacen Burrows, and published by Avatar Press.
She first appeared in Pryde and Wisdom #2 (October 1996), and was created by Warren Ellis and Terry Dodson.
According to interviews with DV8 writer Warren Ellis, Bob's surname is a homage to famed gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson.
The phrase is also used in issue four of Warren Ellis' 2007 comic, Doktor Sleepless.