After moving to Woodstock, Ontario in 1965, he and his brother Cris became Lone Scouts and in 1965 Troop 6 Ernest Harmon Air Force Base and 1968 Ray received his Eagle Scout and Queen's Scout awards while attending Troop 11 in Woodstock.
Ray grew up on the Ernest Harmon Air Force Base in Stephenville, Newfoundland and Labrador from 1953 to 1965, and was in Boy Scout Troop 6 there.
Ray Charles | John Wayne | Ray Bradbury | X-ray | Fort Wayne, Indiana | Man Ray | Wayne State University | Lil Wayne | Wayne | Satyajit Ray | Wayne County, Michigan | Stevie Ray Vaughan | Wayne Shorter | Wayne Rooney | Wayne County | Wayne Gretzky | Ray Milland | Fountains of Wayne | Ray Liotta | Ray Davies | Sugar Ray Leonard | Billy Ray Cyrus | Ray Stevens | Blu-ray Disc | Anthony Wayne | Ray Winstone | Ray Kurzweil | Fort Wayne | X-ray crystallography | Wayne Thiebaud |