
2 unusual facts about We Live

We Live

"Eko Eko Azarak" is the title of the first in a series of Japanese horror movies directed by Shimako Sato, while "Tutti I Colori Del Buio" and "Living Dead at Manchester Morgue" are named after a 1972 Sergio Martino movie and a 1974 Jorge Grau horror movie, respectively.

Furthermore, the track "We Live" samples dialog from Don Sharp's 1973 horror film Psychomania.

see also

Alex Arcadia

Arcadia appears in filmmaker Ondi Timoner's 2007 documentary We Live In Public, a film centered around the millennial art and performance event called Quiet, which was produced by Arcadia's friend, collector, and internet figure Josh Harris, and took place in downtown Manhattan (1999–2000) during the last days of the dot-com boom.

Caroline Criado-Perez

In a June 2013 profile by journalist Cathy Newman for her Telegraph blog, Criado-Perez was quoted as saying: "the culture we live in is made up of little tiny sexist acts which you can just ignore but when you think of them collectively you start to see a pattern".

Corporate social media

In his book Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business, American author Erik Qualman reveals “good companies search technologies like Twitter to see what people are talking about, but savvy companies take it one step further and act on it’.

Hip Hop and the World We Live In

Hip Hop and the World We Live In is an album by Aceyalone, released in 2003, and reissued by Decon Records in 2010.

History of Margate

In a letter to the RNLI, the Commander of HMS Icarus stated: "The manner in which the Margate lifeboat crew brought off load after load of soldiers under continuous shelling, bombing and aerial machine-gun fire, will be an inspiration to us all as long as we live."

Kellyanne Conway

Conway and Democratic pollster Celinda Lake co-authored What Women Really Want: How American Women Are Quietly Erasing Political, Racial, Class, and Religious Lines to Change the Way We Live (Free Press/Simon and Schuster, 2005; ISBN 0-7432-7382-6)

Leben wir jetzt

"Leben wir jetzt" (English: Now We Live) is a song recorded by German singer LaFee.

Living Hard

"Half of My Mistakes" was originally recorded by Radney Foster on his album This World We Live In, and by Jace Everett on his self-titled debut album, both released in 2005.

Medium theory

Although McLuhan strongly believes that the introduction to any new media will change the way we live, Williams argue that the new technology in itself has no real significance to social value unless it has been adapted to existing social and economic conditions.

Michael Taussig

He argues that we live in a state of emergency, citing Walter Benjamin, that is not ‘an exception but the rule.’ To show the universality of the nervous system he takes his reader through the heights of Macchu Picchu, the world of Cuna shamans, and the pale world of New York’s hospital system.

Next Time We Love

It was written by Melville Baker with Preston Sturges and Doris Anderson, who were both uncredited, based on Ursula Parrott's 1935 novel Next Time We Live, which was serialized before publication as Say Goodbye Again.

Paradox psychology

This paradox is evidenced by the fact that we live in an animal body, but we walk upright with our 'mind in the clouds' ; our DNA is programmed to function via instinct, yet we prefer to assert free-will; we are smart enough to 'know better', but quite often repeat past mistakes.

Poème sur le désastre de Lisbonne

The phrase "what is, is right" coined by Alexander Pope in his An Essay on Man, and Leibniz' affirmation that "we live in the best of all possible worlds", provoked a hostile response from Voltaire.

Saad Nomani

“My office made sure that a person of Sheikh Nomani’s stature receives the best possible welcome, where an officer of the immigration received you at the gate. His Goodwill Tour of USA is most important in the times we live in. More persons of Sheikh standing need to come to USA,” said Honorable Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, as she arrived to the program directly from airport.

Susan Zakin

In 2003, she edited an anthology, Naked: Writers Uncover the Way We Live on Earth, which included work by T.C. Boyle, Joy Williams, James Lee Burke, Carl Hiaasen and younger writers such as Lydia Millet and Stacey Richter.

The Ice Break

The composer has said that the subject of the opera is "whether or not we can be reborn from the stereotypes we live in." John Warrack has noted that the work "confronts questions of stereotype on a wider scale" compared to Tippett's earlier operas, and also in a contemporary setting.

The Way I Live

There was also a remix released entitled "The Way We Live" containing lyrics about the New Orleans Saints, making references towards various players.

The Way We Live Right Now

The Way We Live Right Now was an adaptation of the Anthony Trollope novel The Way We Live Now, re-setting it in the present day.

Waking Up Laughing

It was also inspired by her Pastor, who stated "For these times in which we live, you are going to need this book." referring to the Bible.