
unusual facts about Web services

Language Grid

It takes the service-oriented approach by wrapping existing language resources as atomic Web services and enables users to compose new services by combining atomic Web services.

XML appliance

They are most popularly implemented in Service Oriented Architectures to control XML based Web Services traffic, and increasingly in cloud oriented computing to help enterprises integrate on premise applications with off premise cloud hosted applications.

see also

Declarative programming

Such systems, typically using a domain-specific XML namespace, may include abstractions of SQL database syntax or parameterised calls to web services using representational state transfer (REST) and SOAP.

Gaurav Dhillon

Gaurav Dhillon is the Chairman and CEO of SnapLogic, an enterprise application and data integration software development company that helps organizations connect business applications and Web services.

Google Reader

Instapaper developer Marco Arment speculated that the real reason for the closure was to try to keep everyone reading and sharing information using Google+, and that it signalled the end of the era of unrestricted and interoperable web services like RSS from large organizations like Google, Facebook, and Twitter.


Any of the well known Internet protocols may be found in an intranet, such as HTTP (web services), SMTP (e-mail), and FTP (file transfer protocol).

John Hagel III

John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, Out of The Box: Strategies for Achieving Profits Today and Growth Tomorrow Through Web Services, Harvard Business Press 2002.

John Seely Brown

John Seely Brown, John Hagel III, Out of The Box: Strategies for Achieving Profits Today and Growth Tomorrow Through Web Services, Harvard Business Press 2002.


Luminis Platform, an online portal and web services environment specialized for universities, offered by SunGard Higher Education as a PaaS solution

Project Liberty

Liberty Alliance Project, a broad-based industry standards consortium developing suites of specifications defining federated identity management and web services communication protocols

Service-oriented communications

The service and the consumer are described as being loosely coupled, an approach that allows complex composite solutions to be developed through leveraging multiple web services.

Site map

Biositemap, a protocol for broadcasting and disseminating information about computational biology resources (data, software tools and web-services)