
unusual facts about Weekly Standard

David Gelernter

He publishes widely; his work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, New York Post, LA Times, Weekly Standard, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and elsewhere.

Ed Driscoll

A veteran journalist, Driscoll has contributed to National Review Online, the Weekly Standard, Tech Central Station (now Ideas in Action.tv) and print publications ranging from PC World to Guitar World.

Irwin Stelzer

who is the U.S. economic and business columnist for the Sunday Times, the Courier-Mail, and a contributing editor of the Weekly Standard.

Mahdi Bray

In a May 2005 column in the Weekly Standard, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross wrote about his May 14, 2005, debate with Bray on PAX-TV's Faith Under Fire program.

see also

Stephen Hayes

Stephen F. Hayes (born 1974), American senior writer at The Weekly Standard