
4 unusual facts about Weevil

Hiromichi Kono

His emphasis within entomology was on Coleoptera, his doctoral work (completed circa 1932) concerning a Japanese billbug (Okada, 1964).


In most of these countries, these thistles are considered noxious weeds, especially in Australia where a biological control program has been set up (using the Rosette Crown Weevil, Trichosirocalus briesei).

Portrack Marsh Nature Reserve

Weevils were successfully introduced to the ponds to control the spread of azolla pond weed.


E. C. Zimmerman proposed a third division, the Heteromorphi, for several intermediate forms.

Anagotus stephenensis

The weevil is known to live on Ngaio trees (Myoporum laetum), feeding on leaves, where it produces a characteristic feeding notch.

Anthonomus phyllocola

Anthonomus phyllocola is a weevil and a major pest of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) in Scandinavia.

Centaurea maculosa

Thirteen biological pest control agents have been used against this plant and its cogener, diffuse knapweed, including the moths Agapeta zoegana and Metzneria paucipunctella, the weevils Bangasternus fausti, Larinus obtusus, and Larinus minutus and Cyphocleonus achates, and the fruit flies Chaetorellia acrolophi, Urophora affinis and Urophora quadrifasciata.

Echium plantagineum in Australia

The leaf-mining moth Dialectica scalariella the crown weevil Mogulones larvatus, root weevil Mogulones geographicus and the flea beetle Longitarsus echii are now currently widely distributed in southern Australia and can be found easily on most large Paterson's curse plants encountered.

Faded Paper Figures

FPF is known for their electro-organic sound sometimes compared to bands and artists like Weevil, The Postal Service, Belle and Sebastian, Lights and Morrissey.

Gallagher and Shean

Cartoonist Bobby London depicted his characters Dirty Duck and Weevil telling each other "Posilutely, Weevil!" "Absotively, Mr. Duck!".

George Poinar, Jr.

In 1992 a team consisting of Poinar, his wife, his son Hendrik, and Dr. Raúl J. Cano of California Polytechnic State University successfully extracted insect DNA from a Lebanese weevil in amber that was 125 million years old, but more recent studies of ancient DNA cast doubt on the results.

Gonipterus scutellatus

The egg parasite Anaphes nitens, a wasp which is native to Australia, has been introduced to other countries as a biological control agent to control the gum tree weevil.

Karocolens tuberculatus

Hadramphus tuberculatus (known as the Canterbury knobbed weevil, Spaniard weevil or Banks Peninsula speargrass weevil) is a rare weevil endemic to the Christchurch area in the South Island of New Zealand.


In 2007, Professor Sallie Sheldon of Middlebury College reported that an aquatic weevil (Euhrychiopsis lecontei), which eats nothing but milfoil, was an effective weapon against it.

Pack Animals

Gwen witnesses a Weevil attack at a shopping centre, Ianto is injured by alien tech at the zoo and aliens are invading on Halloween.

Palmeral of Elche

In 2005, it was discovered that the larvae of the red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) had infested some trees, laying its eggs inside the stems.

Phrydiuchus tau

The adult weevil is dark gray to black and has a marking on its back that looks like a white letter T, or tau, hence its scientific name.


Adults and larvae of the South American weevil Neohydronomous affinis feed on Pistia leaves, and the larvae of moth Spodoptera pectinicornis from Thailand.

R. palmarum

Rhynchophorus palmarum, the South American palm weevil, a beetle species

Rhinotia haemoptera

The nematode species Heterorhabditis indica has been used effectively against the red weevil.

Salvinia minima

Biological control efforts for S. minima have been centered around the tiny salvinia weevil, Cyrtobagous salviniae.

Scratchbury Camp

Other insect groups on the site are less well surveyed, but several rare species have been noted, including for six species of weevil Curculionoidea, eight species of plant bugs, Hemiptera and Homoptera; and two species of Chrysomelid beetle, Apthona herbigrada and Mantura matthewsii, both of which feed on the rock rose Helianthemum.

Washingtonia filifera

The recent discovery of the red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) in Southern California may pose a threat to many palms, with coastal garden W. filifera specimens already a known host.

Wilmon Newell

His research areas included control methods or the cotton boll weevil, Argentine ant, and American foul brood in honeybees.

see also