Weizmann Institute of Science, a world-renowned institute of higher learning and research in Rehovot, Israel
Martin Weitzman, economist and Professor of Economics at Harvard University
WEIZAC (Weizmann Automatic Computer), the first computer in Israel, and possibly the first large-scale, stored-program, electronic computer outside the US and Europe
He is a faculty member of the Weizmann Institute, and has taught at several universities in the United States, including the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Stanford University.
The three houses, Weizmann (Green), Szold (Yellow) and Herzl (Red), are mainly used for interhouse sports and are named for Chaim Weizmann, Henrietta Szold and Theodore Herzl.
C. acetobutylicum, also known as the Weizmann organism, was first used by Chaim Weizmann to produce acetone and biobutanol from starch in 1916 for the production of gunpowder and TNT.
Clostridium acetobutylicum, ATCC 824, is a commercially valuable bacterium sometimes called the "Weizmann Organism", after Jewish-Russian-born Chaim Weizmann, then senior lecturer at the University of Manchester, England, used them in 1916 as a bio-chemical tool to produce at the same time, jointly, acetone, ethanol, and butanol from starch.
The two were candidates in the presidential election of 1949; Weizmann was declared the first President of Israel.
In 1997, Ullman completed a synagogue memorial in collaboration with Zvi Hecker and Eyal Weizmann, commemorating the former Lindenstraße synagogue in Kreuzberg.
Jehuda Reinharz, Chaim Weizmann: The Making of a Zionist Leader (1985).
There are also awards for early career scientists: International Astronomical Union Fellowships, Society for Neuroscience Fellowships, the Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award to a young woman geneticist given in cooperation with the Genetics Society of America and the American Society for Human Genetics, and the Peter and Patricia Gruber Awards at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel for scientists there.
In 2013, two scientists who early in their career had worked under his guidance at the Weizmann Institute – Arieh Warshel, who was his Ph.D. student, and Michael Levitt – won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
His honors included the Weizmann Prize (1958), the Israel Prize (1969) and election to the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (1999).
He created the Lawless Department of Dermatology in Beilison Hospital, Tel-Aviv, Israel; the T. K. Lawless Student Summer Program at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel; the Lawless Clinical and Research Laboratory in Dermatology of the Hebrew Medical School, Jerusalem; Roosevelt University's Chemical Laboratory and Lecture Auditorium, Chicago; and Lawless Memorial Chapel, Dillard University, New Orleans.
TWIRL is The Weizmann Institute Relation Locator, a hypothetical hardware device.
The conflict with Chaim Weizmann, who held a postdoctoral position and was a friend of Perkin, over the fermentation of starch to isoamyl alcohol which was the starting material for synthetic rubber and therefore industrially relevant, led to the dismissal of Weizmann.