
unusual facts about West Pacific


The members of Alepes are all distributed in the tropical to subtropical regions of the Indo-West Pacific region.

Brownspotted catshark

The brownspotted catshark, Scyliorhinus garmani, is a rare cat shark of the family Scyliorhinidae found in the Indo-West Pacific between latitudes 11° N and 12° S.

Carlos I. Noriega

Noriega made two 6-month shipboard deployments in the West Pacific/Indian Ocean, including operations in support of the Multi-National Peacekeeping Force in Beirut, Lebanon.

Scaly whipray

The scaly whipray (Himantura imbricata) is a species of stingray in the family Dasyatidae, found in the tropical Indo-West Pacific oceans from the Red Sea and Mauritius to Indonesia.

Slender bamboo shark

The slender bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium indicum, is a bamboo shark in the family Hemiscylliidae found in the Indo-West Pacific Oceans between latitudes 40° N and 10° S, and longitude 65° E and 160° E.

see also

Clive Caldwell

This was viewed with concern by high commanders, to such extent that the Allied air commander in the South West Pacific, Major General George Kenney, considered sending the wing to the New Guinea campaign, and returning U.S. Fifth Air Force fighter units to Darwin.

Dick Watling

He has worked in the Lake Manyara and Serengeti National Parks in Tanzania and with the World Wildlife Fund's Conservation Indonesia Programme as well as at many placea throughout the south-west Pacific and south-east Asian regions.

Friends of Peoples Close to Nature

Oceania: the Tjapukai in Australasia, the tribes of West Papua - the Adivasis, Chenchu and Kurumba of the Indian subcontinent, the Kwaio and Landalanga on Malaita in the south west Pacific, (commonly referred to as Negritos)


The Indo-Pacific, sometimes known as the Indo-West Pacific, is a biogeographic region of the Earth's seas, comprising the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean, the western and central Pacific Ocean, and the seas connecting the two in the general area of Indonesia.

Inocarpus fagifer

The tree has a wide range in the tropics of the south-west Pacific and south-east Asian regions, and a history of traditional use by the peoples of Polynesia and Melanesia.

Linatella caudata

This species is distributed in European waters, the Western Atlantic, the Canary Islands, Cape Verde, in the Indian Ocean along Tanzania and in the Indo-West Pacific.

M. digitata

Montipora digitata, the finger coral, a stony coral species found in East Africa, the Indo-West Pacific, Kenya, Mozambique and Rodriguez

Mahendra P. Lama

Prof. Lama had been Chairman, Centre for South, Central, Southeast Asia and South West Pacific Studies at the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, a Ford Foundation Fellow at Notre Dame University, USA, and a Visiting Professor in Hitotsubashi University, Japan.


According to Mark Lynas (through collected data), the Pleistocene's overall climate could be characterized as a continuous El Niño with trade winds in the south Pacific weakening or heading east, warm air rising near Peru, warm water spreading from the west Pacific and the Indian Ocean to the east Pacific, and other El Niño markers.

Spotband butterflyfish

It is found in the Indo- West Pacific region from Christmas Island in the eastern Indian Ocean to the Line Islands, north to the Ryukyu Islands, south to the Rowley Shoals and the northern Great Barrier Reef, and throughout Micronesia.

Z Force

Z Special Unit, an Australian-British-New Zealand commando unit in the South West Pacific theatre, also known as "Z Force"