While database companies like LexisNexis, Westlaw, ChoicePoint, and eFunds (owner of ChexSystems) do not create credit reports per se, they may gather the same types of information and as a result may subject some of their actions to FCRA, e.g. when they provide such information to insurance companies, banks and other entities which may deny services, or favorable rates for services, based on that information.
Brown v. Farwell, No: 03-00712, 2006 WL 6181129 (D. Nev. Dec. 14, 2006); aff'd, 525 F.3d 787 (9th Cir. 2008); cert. granted, 555 U.S. (2009)
Although originally distributed only as printed and bound volumes, citators are now typically on-line services such as LexisNexis's online Shepard's Citations, Justis Publishing's provider-neutral JustCite, Westlaw's KeyCite and the Oxford Law Citator of Oxford University Press.
It links to content from a range of legal publishers and includes links to full-text material from online legal research services such as BAILII, Casetrack, Informa Law, Justis, LexisNexis and WestLaw.