
5 unusual facts about Westminster Quarters

Big Ben Strikes Again

Macey, who was knocked unconscious during the journey and does not know his location, awakes in time to hear Big Ben strike midnight both through the air and over his radio, but hears thirteen chimes instead of twelve.

Buford Tower

The bells play Westminster Quarters on the hour, and Christmas carols during the Christmas season, as well as chiming the hours.

E major

The bells of the Clock Tower in London's Palace of Westminster are tuned to the key of E major, with the result that the Westminster Quarters in their original setting employ the notes E, F-sharp, G-sharp, and B.

Electronic carillon

The Westminster Quarters are commonly programmed to chime the hour and its divisions, along with musical selections.

Ripon Building

One of the main attractions of the building is the Westminster Quarter chiming clock.

see also