
2 unusual facts about What a Country!

What a Country!

Based on the British sitcom Mind Your Language, the series follows the theme of an American English language teacher (played by Garrett M. Brown) trying his best to teach a group of foreigners who are trying to pass the citizenship test.

The characters include Nikolai, a Russian taxi driver (Yakov Smirnoff, whose catchphrase provided the show's title), Laslo (a retired Hungarian doctor), Ali (a Pakistani), Robert (the son of a deposed African king), Maria (the housekeeper working for a rich Beverly Hills family), Victor (a Hispanic in love with Maria) and Yung Hee (a shy Chinese woman).

Ada Maris

From 1986 to 1987, she played the role of Maria Conchita Lopez in the sitcom What a Country! Maris made a big splash on an episode of The Cosby Show playing the girlfriend of a community-center director played by Tony Orlando.

see also