
unusual facts about Wildfowl

Drift Reservoir

Although generally hosting only small numbers of birds, the reservoir has attracted a considerable number of North American vagrant shorebirds and wildfowl, including a number of Lesser Scaup.


This historic estuary and peninsula is now home to birds including Brent Geese, Wigeon, Teal and many other wintering wildfowl.

Fairburn Ings RSPB reserve

Lying alongside the River Aire, the 286 hectare site includes a large loch and a number of smaller water bodies; the area has been the scene of industrial and mining operations for 150 years, and all the water bodies are the result of subsidence of former coal-mine workings, up to half a kilometre underground, providing habitats for wildfowl and many other birds.

Paul Johnsgard

His Ph.D. work was on the phylogeny of six ducks, after which he moved to England at the Wildfowl Trust at Gloucestershire founded by Sir Peter Scott.

River Biss

It then flows through the Town Park, where a small constituent lake is haunt to wildfowl, before passing behind shops and industrial buildings in a Riverside Walk which was opened in 1993 by the Duke of Edinburgh.

Spey Bay

Famed for the dolphins, the Centre is within a wildlife haven that is also home to Ospreys, grey and harbour seals, otters, wildfowl and waders.

St John, Cornwall

The St John's Lake SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) is designated mainly for its bird interests, with 6000 wildfowl and 10000 waders owerwintering on the mudflats.

Sutton Bingham Reservoir

It now provides an environment for overwintering wildfowl and migrant birds including the Osprey.

Tamar–Tavy Estuary

The SSSI, due to its habitats, is of international importance for nature conservation, in particular as a wintering site for wildfowl and wader birds.

Tana, Norway

Add to this, thousands of Common Eider and Long-tailed Duck, then you have one of the largest concentrations of wildfowl in Norway.


This large area of sand dunes and beach at the mouth of the Tay Estuary forms an important roosting and feeding area for huge congregations of seaduck, waders and wildfowl, as well as a haul-out area for over 2,000 both common and grey seals.

Wetlands International

It was founded in 1954 as the International Wildfowl Inquiry and the organisation was focused on the protection of waterbirds.

see also