It was suggested by Wilhelm König in 1940 that the object known as the Baghdad battery might represent galvanic cell technology from ancient Parthia.
Infantryman Ullrich Hagen (Wilhelm König) is a composer; he visits his music teacher, who will shortly be performing one of his works and begs him to be true to his talent rather than throwing his life away in a futile cause.
Wilhelm II, German Emperor | Wilhelm II | Wilhelm Reich | Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz | Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel | Wilhelm Keitel | Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling | Wilhelm Furtwängler | Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel | Wilhelm Wundt | Wilhelm Sasnal | Wilhelm Kempff | Wilhelm Busch | Wilhelm Westphal | Wilhelm von Knyphausen | Wilhelm von Bode | Wilhelm Steinitz | Wilhelm Schlenk | Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher | Wilhelm Gesenius | Wilhelm Canaris | Prince Wilhelm of Hesse-Philippsthal-Barchfeld | Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von Bülow | Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn | Carl Wilhelm Siemens | Wilhelm von Tegetthoff | Wilhelm von Schütz | Wilhelm von Humboldt | Wilhelm Solheim | Wilhelm Schüchter |