Wilhelm II, German Emperor | Wilhelm II | Wilhelm Reich | Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz | Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel | Wilhelm Keitel | Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling | Wilhelm Furtwängler | Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel | Wilhelm Wundt | Wilhelm Sasnal | Wilhelm Kempff | Wilhelm Busch | Wilhelm Westphal | Wilhelm von Knyphausen | Wilhelm von Bode | Wilhelm Steinitz | Wilhelm Schlenk | Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher | Wilhelm Gesenius | Wilhelm Canaris | Prince Wilhelm of Hesse-Philippsthal-Barchfeld | Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von Bülow | Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn | Carl Wilhelm Siemens | Wilhelm von Tegetthoff | Wilhelm von Schütz | Wilhelm von Humboldt | Wilhelm Solheim | Wilhelm Schüchter |
To his research are due, among other matters of literary interest, the first account of Thomas Carlyle's Lectures on periods of European culture; the identification of Shelley as the author of a review (in The Critical Review of December 1814) of a lost romance by James Hogg; a description of Shelley's Philosophical View of Reform; a manuscript diary of Fabre d'Églantine; and a record by Dr Wilhelm Weissenborn of Goethe's last days and death.