
unusual facts about Wittig


The main problem with allopumiliotoxin synthesis arises from the alkylidene side chain because the stereochemistry of it can be difficult to control by Wittig-type functionalizations.

Asma al-Assad

On 16 April 2012, Huberta von Voss Wittig and Sheila Lyall Grant, the wives of the German and British ambassadors to the United Nations, released a four-minute video asking Asma al-Assad to stand up for peace and urge her husband to end the bloodshed in her country.

David Wittig

In 1995, Wittig, having earned millions in New York, was asked to return to Kansas as an executive at Western Resources (later renamed Westar Energy) by John E. Hayes, then CEO of Western and a customer of Wittig's at Salomon Brothers.

David Wittig (born July 29, 1955) is the former chief executive officer of Topeka, Kansas-based Westar Energy, a utility company.

Mark Lyall Grant

In April 2012, Lady Lyall Grant, with Huberta von Voss Wittig, made a video appeal to Asma al-Assad, calling on the Syrian first lady to take a stand against violence in her country.

Rüdiger Wittig

From 1980 until 1988, Wittig was professor for botany at the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf and chair of the department for geobotany at the Institute for Plant Physiology.

From 1968 to 1973, Wittig studied biology and chemistry at the Wilhelms-University of Westphalia in Münster and passed the state examination, followed by doctoral studies from 1973 to 1976 (Dr.rer.nat.).

Sigmar Wittig

Professor Wittig was instrumental in starting an exchange program between Purdue University and the University of Karlsruhe called the Global Engineering Alliance for Research and Education (GEARE).

Susan Wittig Albert

Susan Wittig Albert grew up in downstate Illinois, attending Danville High School before moving to the nearby community of Bismarck, where she graduated.

see also