
unusual facts about Wolf Prize in Agriculture

Fuller W. Bazer

2003: Wolf Prize in Agriculture along with R. Michael Roberts "for discoveries of Interferon-t and other pregnancy-associated proteins, which clarified the biological mystery of signaling between embryo and mother to maintain pregnancy, with profound effects on the efficiency of animal production systems, as well as human health and well-being".

Michel A. J. Georges

Michel A. J. Georges was awarded the Wolf Prize in Agriculture in 2007 along with Ronald L. Phillips of the University of Liège "for groundbreaking discoveries in genetics and genomics, laying the foundations for improvements in crop and livestock breeding, and sparking important advances in plant and animal sciences".

Ronald L. Phillips

In 2006/7, he was awarded the Wolf Prize in Agriculture along with Michel A. J. Georges of the University of Liège "for groundbreaking discoveries in genetics and genomics, laying the foundations for improvements in crop and livestock breeding, and sparking important advances in plant and animal sciences".

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