
4 unusual facts about Christa Wolf

Alain Lance

He has been acknowledged for his translations of German authors into French: Volker Braun, Franz Fühmann, Ingo Schulze and Christa Wolf.

Christa Wolf

Fausto Cercignani's study of Wolf’s earlier novels and essays on her later works have helped promote awareness of her narrative gifts, irrespective of her political and personal ups and downs.

Jens Reich

On 4 November 1989, Jens Reich, along with Friedrich Schorlemmer, Christa Wolf, Ulrich Mühe and other well-known figures in the GDR, was one of the speakers at the Alexanderplatz demonstration in East Berlin, the largest demonstrations held at that time.

Michael Jarrell

His "spoken opera" Cassandre, which is based on Christa Wolf's novel Cassandra, was performed at Ojai Festival, CA, June 2008.

Daniela Dahn

Along with Christa Wolf, with whom she has collaborated in the past, Dahn was seen as a possible choice by Die Linke as their candidate for President of Germany in the 2009 presidential election.

Ursule Molinaro

In collaboration with the German expatriate Hedwig Rappolt she translated Christa Wolf's novel Kindheitsmuster (Patterns of Childhood).

see also