
63 unusual facts about agriculture


The village is mainly a small agricultural outpost, but at the border of the Kakum National Park there are several small restaurants and shops.

Agricultural gang

Agricultural gangs historically, groups of women, girls and boys organized by an independent gang-master, under whose supervision they executed agricultural piece-work for farmers in certain parts of England.

Agricultural productivity

Agricultural productivity is measured as the ratio of agricultural outputs to agricultural inputs.


Al-Hajjaria Trust was composed of the "Big House" on Souk Road and the well-known Al-Hajjaria Agricultural farm on Tahhan Road situated on the way out to Quba Mosque.

Alem Ber

The population of Alem Ber and its surrounding mostly depends on Trade and Agriculture.

Arabian Gulf University

Desert and Arid Land Sciences, which includes Hydrology and groundwater resources management, agricultural techniques and hydroponics, environmental sciences and natural resources, geographic information systems and remote sensing

Badghis Province

Agriculture is the main source of people's income and the existence of Murghab and Hari rivers makes the available land suitable for cultivation.

Bayoumi Andil

He believed that Egyptian culture is the outcome of an agriculture-based civilisation and that Egyptian forefathers were the first to establish the solar calendar, the bases of medicine and geometry.

Benjamin Le Fevre

Afterwards, he was a mail contract agent for the Erie Railroad, had retired from political activities and engaged in agricultural pursuits in Salem Township, Ohio.

Chiefland High School

Using WPA labor in 1940, an agricultural building was added, which served until 1978, at which time a new structure replaced it.

Clevis fastener

Clevises are used in a wide variety of fasteners used in the farming equipment, sailboat rigging, as well as the automotive, aircraft and construction industries.

Cotton competitiveness provisions

The cotton competitiveness provisions are provisions added by the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 to the cotton program designed to keep U.S. cotton prices competitive in domestic and export markets.

Croton hancei

The species was not observed again until 21 February 1997, when staff of the Hong Kong Herbarium of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department found an "unknown" species on a steep slope woodland under the highest peak, Tsing Yi Peak, on Tsing Yi Island.

David Atwood

He moved to Freeport, Illinois in 1845 and engaged in agricultural pursuits before moving to Madison, Wisconsin in 1847 and for forty-two years was editor and publisher of the Wisconsin Journal.

Dedham Vale

The landscape continues to change as changing agricultural practices, increased leisure time and an awareness of environmental concerns all contribute to development of the Stour valley.


In August 2003, the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) joined together in a collaborative research project to look at bringing together livelihoods thinking with concepts from information and communication for development, in order to improve understanding of the role and importance of information and communication in support of rural livelihoods.

Early life of Jan Smuts

His surviving notebooks from this period reveal the range and breadth of his studies: Latin, Greek, German, the Classics, Optical Physics, Inorganic Chemistry and Metallurgy, Organic Chemistry and Agriculture, and Geology - to name but a few.

Edwin Copeland

In 1909, he founded the Philippines College of Agriculture at Los Baños, Laguna—what is now known as the University of the Philippines, Los Baños, and served as its dean and also as a professor of plant physiology for eight years (1909–1917).

Everest Science Center Nepal

In addition to the Center's Botany, Zoology and Agriculture departments, it is home to Nepal's first Planetarium.


Agriculture is the main occupation for the people in the town, while teaching, civil service and private businesses also play a very big role.


Agriculture in the Filabusi area comprises cattle ranching and small-scale farming (see photo), the latter mainly on recent resettlement land.

Gatton, Queensland

As part of the "Salad Bowl" of the Lockyer Valley, the area is primarily agricultural, with vegetables making up the majority of crops.

General Education Board

Through the Department of Agriculture the board had made appropriations amounting in 1912-1913 to $659,700 for the purpose of promoting agriculture by the establishment of demonstration farms under the direction of Dr. Seaman A. Knapp.

Gilgai, New South Wales

Agriculture is the main industry in the area with beef cattle production and wine the main products.


Agriculture the is main occupation in this village but some people are employed by the government.

Glenn Highway

The highway originated as the Palmer Road in the 1930s, to reach the agricultural colony at Palmer.

Godfrey Baseley

Before creating The Archers, he had previous experience in making over radio programmes about farming, mainly for the Midland region.

Grantham's Camellia

It was first discovered in the ravine of Tai Mo Shan in 1955 by AFCD.

Gun cultures in the USA

The Hunting/Sporting ethos emerged when America was an agrarian nation in which hunting was a valuable source of supplying food for settlers, guns were a means of protection from animal predators, and the market for furs could provide a source of income.

Hepburn Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania

They built log cabins and quickly cleared the land for farming.

Herman Kingori Maingi

He increased his education by attending many seminars, workshops and short training courses in the field of Agriculture both locally and abroad.

Islamic Azad University of Neyshabur

it is two Faculties in IAUM, Agriculture and Engineering faculty offers Bachelor, Master, degrees Like IAUM in Mashhad.

Jack Murta

Born in Carman, Manitoba, the son of John James Murta and Jean (Burnett) Murta, he graduated from the Diploma course in Agriculture at the University of Manitoba in 1964.

Jaghatu District

Agriculture is the main source of income, the famous apple of the Afghanistan is from this district, but in the whole province drought is becoming the most serious problem.

João Baptista de Lacerda

Soon after, he was invited by the Minister of Agriculture of the Second Empire to be the associate director of the section of anthropology, zoology and paleontology of the recently created National Museum of Natural History of Rio de Janeiro, by Emperor D. Pedro II.

Kamka Kura

Kamka Kura disseminates information regarding livelihood issues (i.e. Agriculture, technical vocational education and skills, Livestock, Education) through the means of drama, chat, interview, success stories, feature, reports, letters etc.

Keegan Daniel

Born in the rural farming town of Humansdorp, Daniel started his education at Gonubie Primary before moving off to one of South Africa’s best known rugby nurseries, Dale College Boy's High School.

Kirkley Hall

Kirkley Hall is a 17th-century historic country mansion and Grade II listed building situated on the bank of the River Blyth at Kirkley, near Ponteland in the heart of the Northumberland countryside, which is now an Horticultural and Agricultural training centre.


Daily programming includes This Week in Agriculture, Outdoors & More, Provost Adventures, LSU Athletics, Sports Talk and The Pressbox Show with Jimmy Ott.


Agriculture continues to play a significant part in the make-up of the town and surrounding area.


The founder members of Marmarabirlik were respectively Gemlik, Mudanya and Erdek Olive Agriculture Sales Cooperatives.

Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria

Agriculture and commerce were fostered, the laws were ameliorated, a new criminal code drawn up, taxes and imposts equalized without regard to traditional privileges, while a number of religious houses were suppressed and their revenues used for educational and other useful purposes.

Monpoint Jeune

On 17 October 1889, he was replaced as president by the minister of Agriculture, Florvil Hyppolite.

National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program

Grants were made to scientists at both public and private laboratories for basic and applied agricultural research in priority areas as designated in the research title of the 1990 farm bill (P.L. 101-624, Title XVI), as amended.

Organic certification

Certification is handled by state, non-profit and private agencies that have been approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Randolph Greene Pack

Through the Pack Foundation, he helped the US Department of Defense formulate a new forestry law for Japan, to encourage rebuilding of that country's devastated forestry sector; and the US Department of State in strengthening forest policy in Taiwan.

Rodolfo Biazon

Aside from this, he holds the following positions in the Senate: Vice-Chair of the Committees on Agriculture and Food and Foreign Relations, and a Member of 15 other Senate Committees.

Sangcharak District

Agriculture represents the major source of income for three quarters of the households in the district.

Sanjar Umarov

Umarov attended the Tashkent University of Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture, earning a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering.

Sidney Perham

Born in Woodstock, Maine to Joel and Sophronia Bisbee Perham, Perham attended common schools as a child and later engaged in agricultural pursuits.

Soil test

: National Soil Survey Center, Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2012.

Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network

The agreement supports the already existing China-UK Sustainable Development Dialogue (SDD) signed by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).


They consume decaying vegetation, but can do considerable harm in an agricultural setting by consuming seeds, roots, and root hairs in cultivated soil.

Tanta University

In 2006, Kafr ash Shaykh branch separated from the Tanta university to become an independent university under the name of Kafr ash Shaykh University in Kafr ash Shaykh city and it now has Education, Agriculture, Specific Education, Veterinary Medicine, Commerce, Engineering, Physical Education and Arts faculties.

Thomas Green Clemson

Though this plot of land did not do well while Clemson was abroad in Belgium, he was furthering his studies in the field of Agriculture.

Thomas Green Clemson, (July 1, 1807 – April 6, 1888) was an American politician and statesman, serving as an ambassador and the United States Superintendent of Agriculture.

United States Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry

Nutrition was added to the name after the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 directed the Department of Agriculture to "conduct more human nutrition research, establish a national nutrition education program and develop a system to monitor America's nutritional status".

University of Georgia Graduate School

The Master of Agriculture was authorized in 1875 with the first student, M.L. Morris earning the first such degree in 1876.

University of Ruhuna

It has seven faculties: Agriculture, Engineering, Fisheries and Marine Sciences & Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, Management and Finance, Medicine, and Science.

Wa, Ghana

Despite its urban status, Wa is in many ways still an agricultural community, and the majority of the Wa population make a good portion of their living in small scale farming.

Willcox, Arizona

Agriculture remains important to the local economy, but Interstate 10 has replaced the railroad as the major transportation link, and much of the economy is now tied to Interstate 10, which runs immediately north of the town.

William Jasper Spillman

In 1902 he accepted a position with the U.S. Department of Agriculture following the reception of his paper on his wheat-breeding experiments presented at the meeting of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations in Washington, D.C. in November, 1901.

In 1905 the Office of Farm Management was organized with Spillman as the head, a position he retained until 1918 when a disagreement with the Secretary of Agriculture elicited his resignation.

2008 Austrian government formation

Judge Claudia Bandion-Ortner (well-known to the public from the Konsum and BAWAG cases) became non-party justice minister, deputy president of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber Reinhold Mitterlehner became economics minister and Burgenland state councillor Niki Berlakovich became agriculture minister.

Afro-American Sons and Daughters Hospital

Huddleston's grandson is Mike Espy, a former member of the House of Representatives and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.

Andacollo, Neuquén

The main activities in the zone are the agriculture and the Animal husbandry with species such as Capra, Ovis and Cattle.

Andrew Doyle

As part of the Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2013, he hosted a conference in Dublin Castle with EU member states Parliamentary Agriculture Committee Chairs from all 27 countries, engaging parliamentarians with speakers such as the EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Dacian Ciolos and the EU Commissioner for Fisheries, Maria Damanaki.

Angeln Saddleback

The Angeln Saddleback, also known as the Angler Sattelschwein (Danish: Angler sadelsvin), is a rare breed of domestic pig grown mainly in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.

Association of the German Farmers Associations

In February 1929 the "Green Front" was formed by the Association of Christian German Farmers Associations, many of its member organizations, the National Agricultural League, the German Agriculture Council (Deutsche Landwirtschafsrat) and the German Farmers' Party (Deutsche Bauernshaft).

Auguste-Célestin Gongarad Nkoua

At the time of the January 2002 constitutional referendum, Gongarad Nkoua, who was still serving as Minister of Agriculture, headed the National Electoral Commission's operations for Ouenzé, the fifth arrondissement of Brazzaville.


Axelborg is a building on Vesterbrogade in Copenhagen, Denmark, home to the Danish Agriculture and Food Council.

Banu Nadir

They earned their living through agriculture, money lending, and trade in weapons and jewels, maintaining commercial relations with Arab merchants of Mecca.


Calamine ore was mined at Merchants Hill in the late 18th century, but the area's principal focus was on limestone quarrying, at Gurney Slade quarry, and agriculture.


The 2006 World Food Prize was awarded to former Brazilian Minister of Agriculture Alysson Paolinelli, soil scientist Edson Lobato (also of Brazil), and American soil scientist A. Colin McClung for their leadership in soil science and policy implementation that opened the Cerrado to agricultural and food production.

Chama Cha Mapinduzi

Originally a champion of African socialism, upholder of the system of collectivized agriculture known as Ujamaa and firmly oriented to the left, the CCM espouses today a more neoliberal approach.

Chief Agricultural Negotiator

During negotiation of the Uruguay Round of GATT talks that led ultimately to creation of the World Trade Organization, Charles J. O'Mara, a Senior Foreign Service officer of the Foreign Agricultural Service, was appointed Counsel for International Affairs to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and Special Trade Negotiator for Agriculture.

Common Agricultural Policy

In 1992, the MacSharry reforms (named after the European Commissioner for Agriculture, Ray MacSharry) were created to limit rising production, while at the same time adjusting to the trend toward a more free agricultural market.

Common Service Centers

#G2C Communication - All G2C (Government to Consumer) Communication including Health, Education, Agriculture, Human Resource Development, Employment, Fundamental Rights, Disaster Warnings, RTI, etc.

Donna Lunn

A partner in a family dairy operation, Donna Lunn was a past president of the Elgin Federation of Agriculture and a current board member of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA).

Economy of Vanuatu

Copra, cocoa, kava and beef account for more than 60% of Vanuatu's total exports by value and agriculture accounts for 20% of GDP.

Edward H. Funston

He served as chairman of the Committee on Agriculture (Fifty-first Congress).

Elijah Mwangale

He was a minister for Agriculture, Minister of Foreign Affairs and a former member of parliament for the Kimilili Constituency.

Garchitorena, Camarines Sur

He is the father of Don Mariano Garchitorena, Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce and also Governor of Camarines Sur.

George Garrard

In 1800 he was elected an associate of the Royal Academy, and in the same year he published a folio volume with coloured plates, entitled "A Description of the different varieties of Oxen common in the British Isles, embellished with engravings; being an accompaniment to a set of models of the improved breeds of Cattle, executed by George Garrard, upon an exact scale from nature, under the patronage of the Board of Agriculture" (or "Prints of improved British Cattle").

Goulbi de Maradi River

Though important for agriculture and pastoralism, and flowing through the Niger cities of Maradi, Guidan Roumdji, and Madarounfa, the Goulbi de Maradi is a seasonal river and flows only during the rainy season.

Harvey Washington Wiley

Wiley was offered the position of Chief Chemist in the United States Department of Agriculture by George Loring, the Commissioner of Agriculture, in 1882.

Henry Harpending

In The 10,000 Year Explosion, which he co-authored with Gregory Cochran, Harpending suggests a common belief that human genetic adaptation stopped 40,000 years ago is incorrect and that humans evolved increasingly rapidly in response to the new challenges presented by agriculture and civilization.

Hilmar Wäckerle

Unable to continue in the army, Wäckerle enrolled in the Technical University Munich to study agriculture.

History of sustainability

Modern industrial agriculture—the "Green Revolution" — was based on the development of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides which had devastating consequences for rural wildlife, as documented by American marine biologist, naturalist and environmentalist Rachel Carson in Silent Spring (1962).


Sericulture had turned lands traditionally reserved for rice crops into silk farms, and flour products like hōtō were invented as a means to counter food shortages which arose from this change in agriculture.

Iron chelate

Iron chelate, also known as chelated iron, is a soluble complex of iron, sodium and a chelating agent such as ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA), EDDHA, or others, used to make the iron soluble in water and, for the purposes of agriculture, accessible to plants.

Jean-Paul Diamond

He also worked for the Cabinet of former Agriculture Minister Yvon Picotte and as vice-president of a local construction and paving company from over 10 years.

Johannes Christian Brunnich

In 1897 he was appointed government agricultural chemist in the new Queensland Department of Agriculture.

Khieu Samphan

The historian Ben Kiernan stated that Samphan's protestations (such as the fact that he regarded the collectivisation of agriculture as a "surprise", and his expressions of sympathy for his "friend" Hu Nim, a fellow member of the CPK hierarchy tortured and killed at Tuol Sleng) betrayed the fundamental "moral cowardice" of a man mesmerised by power but lacking any nerve.

Kingsely Namakhwa

He is the current Deputy Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development together with Deputy Minister Margaret Mauwa in the September 2011 Cabinet of Malawi under the Minister Peter Mwanza.

Kuala Terengganu

Main economic activities include retail and wholesale trade in food items, fabric and apparels, fisheries, agriculture, service industries, and tourism, particularly as a jumping-off point for the nearby Perhentian Islands.

Michael Slater

After three years in Launceston, the Slaters moved to Wagga Wagga, and Peter became a lecturer in agriculture at what is now known as the Charles Sturt University.


It is dominated by traditional African agriculture of the Shona people.

N. D. Fratt

He was then a candidate for Governor of Wisconsin twice, losing both times to future U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Jeremiah McLain Rusk.


Noxious weed, a plant designated by the government as injurious to public health, agriculture, recreation, wildlife or property

Oia, Greece

However, the arrival of steam and the concentration of shipping at Piraeus caused the town's seagoing trade to collapse, and agriculture also diminished as increasing emigration took place, especially to Piraeus and Laurium.


Thuluva Vellalar took to a large scale agriculture, supervising large farms and earning income from the sale of the produce.

Organic wild

Organic wild refers to organic agriculture products which are collected from wild land.

Peter Myers

Peter C. Myers (1931-2012), a US Missouri politician who was Deputy Secretary of Agriculture under Ronald Reagan

Pokotoa Sipeli

Following the 2008 general election, he is a Member of the Niue Assembly, representing the constituency of Liku, and a member of Premier Toke Talagi's Cabinet, as Minister of Post and Telecommunications, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and Minister of Administrative Services.

Raghuveer Meena

College of Fisheries, Udaipur affiliated to Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur was established in November 2003 by upgrading the Department of Limnology & Fisheries of Agriculture faculty.

Rural Solidarity

Since collective farming is a key component of communist notion of agriculture, in June 1948, the Polish United Workers' Party, spurred by the announcement of the Komintern, decided to begin the process.

Sadao Takagi

Takagi studied at Hokkaido University, where he received his bachelor's degree, his masters and his doctorate in agriculture.

Smith–Lever Act of 1914

The Smith–Lever Act of 1914 is a United States federal law that established a system of cooperative extension services, connected to the land-grant universities, in order to inform people about current developments in agriculture, home economics, public policy/government, leadership, 4-H, economic development, coastal issues (National Sea Grant College Program), and many other related subjects.

This Week in Louisiana Agriculture

Former Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation Public Relations Director, Regnal Wallace, created This Week in Louisiana Agriculture in 1981 and the show became the state's first television farm news program.

This Week in Louisiana Agriculture, or TWILA, is an agricultural television program produced by the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Walter Wallmann

The ministry was established by chancellor Helmut Kohl on June 6, 1986 in response to the Chernobyl disaster and formed from departments of the Ministries of the Interior, of Agriculture and of Health.