The show is co-hosted by Robin Esrock and Julia Dimon, produced by Omni Film Limited, and filmed by Sean Cable.
Word Travels follows the lives of two young professional travel writers, South African Robin Esrock and Toronto-based Julia Dimon, as they journey around the world in search of stories to experience, write about, and file for their editors.
Microsoft Word | The L Word | Gulliver's Travels | The Travels of Marco Polo | Sullivan's Travels | Word Entertainment | Word | Word Records | Word Magazine | Travels with a Donkey in the CĂ©vennes | Divine Word Missionaries | Word of Mouth | Word of mouth | Word of Faith | Word (data type) | Sturmian word | Recurrent word | Music and the Spoken Word | Don't Say A Word | word order | Word Is Out: Stories of Some of Our Lives | word | Very long instruction word | University of the Incarnate Word | Travels With Myself | Travels with My Aunt | The Lost Continent: Travels in Small-Town America | Say the Word (Joel Feeney song) | Say the Word | Gulliver's Travels (TV miniseries) |