7. Hong Kong Education Bureau Distance Learning Focus Working Group – 2008 Annual Report.
The task of the Working Group is to increase both knowledge and understanding of the European integration process and the history of the European Union.
EOC will also act as a secretariatto the Working Group on Environment (WGE), taking over the support functions, such as organizing and holding WGE meetings, coordinating WGE activities, reporting to the WGE, and other tasks which were previously carried out by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
1983-02/1990: Chairman of the Working group Pastoral care ( German: AG Seelsorge) of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Hanover (Member until 1999)
The troika then present to the Working Group an outcome document, which summarises the review proceedings and includes recommendations.
Working group, a group of people working together toward a common goal
Universal Music Group | Warner Music Group | Coxeter group | Volkswagen Group | Group of 77 | RTL Group | girl group | BT Group | ABB Group | Group One | Virgin Group | Thales Group | ING Group | group | Rio Tinto Group | Bloomsbury Group | Penguin Group | Carlsberg Group | Borders Group | Arup Group Limited | Benetton Group | Stagecoach Group | LMFAO (group) | Anschutz Entertainment Group | Tata Group | Rootes Group | Westfield Group | Group races | Group C | MTN Group |
In 1998, the C++ standards committee (the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21 working group) standardized C++ and published the international standard ISO/IEC 14882:1998 (informally known as C++98).
At the 2003 WTO Ministerial Conference in Cancún, Pettigrew played an aggressive role as chair of the working group on the Singapore issues, controversial sectors of proposed liberalization which were bitterly opposed by some developing nation delegates, not to mention masses of protesters outside of the gates where the meetings were held.
The private, non-commercial working group began with a dozen members in three countries, and was chaired by Rael Dornfest, researcher and developer of the Meerkat RSS-reader software.
However, the resolution failed to define 'Terrorism', and the working group initially only added Al-Qaida and the Taliban regime of Afghanistan on the sanctions list.
The Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) was a United Nations multistakeholder Working group initiated after the 2003 World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) first phase Summit in Geneva failed to agree on the future of Internet governance.
Boss was selected to join the NASA Science Working Group for the Kepler Mission and the NASA External Independent Readiness Board for the Exoplanet Exploration Program, both charged with the detection and characterization of nearby habitable Earth-like planets.
He was Chair of NASA's Outer Planets Science Working Group (OPSWG) from 1991 to 1994 and served as a panel member for the National Research Council's 2003-2013 Decadal survey on planetary science.
In May 2013, Kravtsov initiated the establishment of a working group at the Ministry of Economic Development to improve legislation on Russian arbitration courts.
In 2005 JPMorgan Chase approached other firms to form a working group that included Cisco Systems, IONA Technologies, iMatix, Red Hat, and Transaction Workflow Innovation Standards Team (TWIST).
A working group, which includes specialists from different research institutes and NPO’s, is created in the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.
In this position, he helped plan and advise the White House on the 2003 U.S. intervention in Liberia, was a member of the working group that designed the Millennium Challenge Account initiative and assisted in organizing the U.S.-Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum (African Growth and Opportunity Act Forum).
On August 26, 2008, a government working group presented New Brunswick Education Minister Kelly Lamrock with eight recommendations for extracurricular transportation.
He later established the first joint working group across AOL Time Warner to include elements from Time Distribution Services, Time Inc, Warner Home Video, Warner Music and AOL in order to develop a new fully integrated product offering for potential partners.
It was named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (2006) after Edward J. Brook, Professor of Geosciences, Oregon State University; U.S. Antarctic Project investigator of Antarctic paleoclimate in numerous field seasons from 1988; Chair, U.S. National Ice Core Working Group for use of Antarctic ice cores for research purposes, 2004–05.
Operational plans describe the goals of an internal organization, working group or department.
The CAP Society of Cape Breton County is a non-profit organization that functions as a regional working group of Community Access Program (CAP) sites committed to the social, economic, and cultural enhancement of local communities in Cape Breton County through the use of Information Technology.
member of the Global Climate Observing System Working Group on Atmospheric Reference Observations
the North American Competitiveness Council (NACC), an official tri-national working group of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP).
The project that became CENTR was formed in March 1998 through the RIPE Top-level Domain Working Group and was informally funded by participant registries through.
Together with Tim O'Reilly, Lawrence Lessig, and others, Orban is one of the founders of the Open Government Working Group, which developed a set of principles of open government data in December 2007.
After the Fall of the Berlin Wall he went to the newly founded Berlin Social Science Research Center, where he worked as Research professor and director of the working group 'Employment and Economic change'.
The Group is currently considering, through a working group, the question of the possible revision of the Charter, in liaison with the Secretariat and the Rapporteur of the Congress, currently Christopher Newbury.
The glossary working group was lead and its output was edited by Roy Schulte and David Luckham.
Morris has also served as a delegate to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (now the United Nations Human Rights Council), and the U.N. Working Group on Indigenous Populations, where he provided contributions to the drafting of the U.N.Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Radio snapshot observations with the VLA ruled out one of these fields because it contained a bright radio source, and the final decision between the other two was made on the basis of the availability of guide stars near the field: Hubble observations normally require a pair of nearby stars on which the telescope's Fine Guidance Sensors can lock during an exposure, but given the importance of the HDF observations, the working group required a second set of back-up guide stars.
The story is inspired by a real life fact and set in the 1930s when, at the Institute of Physics of Via Panisperna, in Rome, physicist Enrico Fermi managed to involve a group of brilliant young students—Emilio, Bruno, Edoardo and Ettore (respectively, Emilio Segrè, Bruno Pontecorvo, Edoardo Amaldi and Ettore Majorana, all of whom became famous scientists)—forming a working group committed to scientific research who would achieve great discoveries in the field of nuclear physics.
He is vice chair of the International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group and has chaired American Speech-Language-Hearing Association's (ASHA) working group on evoked potential measurement.
John L. Washburn is the Convener for the American Non-Governmental Organizations Coalition for the International Criminal Court (AMICC) and Co-Chair of the Washington Working Group on the International Criminal Court (WICC).
On December 22, 2009, Nielsen-Gammon wrote a detailed analysis of the erroneous projected date of melting of Himalayan glaciers in the Working Group II section of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report which said that "the likelihood of them disappearing by the year 2035 and perhaps sooner is very high if the Earth keeps warming at the current rate."
He is an advisor for the Science Directorate of NASA, has been an invited expert for the World Wide Web Consortium Web Ontology Working Group and has been actively involved in the development and standardization of XML based electronic medical records.
The site is run by E@I, an international youth organization, which started as a working group of the World Esperanto Youth Organisation.
In South Africa, Sizakele Sigasa, a lesbian activist living in Soweto, and her partner Salome Masooa were raped, tortured, and murdered in July 2007 in an attack that South African lesbian-gay rights organizations, including the umbrella-group Joint Working Group, said were driven by lesbophobia.
This source was traced through a collaborative process between the citizens of New York City, the city's 311 system, the New York City Office of Emergency Management, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, and a working group which gathered and analyzed atmospheric data.
In 2002-03 she co-chaired the Working Group on Digital Archiving and Preservation, which was sponsored by the National Science Foundation and by the European Union through DELOS Network of Excellence.
Metadata Working Group was formed in 2006 by Adobe Systems, Apple, Canon, Microsoft and Nokia.
The name was proposed by John O. Annexstad of the Meteorite Working Group at the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, in association with field work carried out in this vicinity by the Antarctic Search for Meteorites, led by William A. Cassidy of the University of Pittsburgh, during the 1978–79 season.
Michelle obtained her Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at the University of California, Davis, and began her career at the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Computer Security Division, and DARPA's High Confidence Systems Working Group, before being hired by the Counter Terrorist Unit, Los Angeles branch.
He is co-chair with the OECD of the MENA Corporate Governance Working Group and established the Lebanon Corporate Governance Task Force.
Senior leadership from the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) and the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) organized a working group of surgeons and gastroenterologists in 2006 to develop standards for the practice of this emerging technique.
In the 1970s and 1980s, 'state-derivationist' debates around the separation of 'the economic' and 'the political' under capitalism unfolded in the San Francisco-based working group Kapitalistate and the Conference of Socialist Economists journal Capital & Class, involving many of the theorists of Open Marxism and significantly influencing its theoretical development.
She formed a working group that included former AAGPBL players Wilma Briggs and Marie Mansfield, as well as the aforementioned Maddy English, Mary Pratt and herself, of course.
Reiter says he was a contributor to the third IPCC Working Group II (Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability) report, but resigned because he "found himself at loggerheads with persons who insisted on making authoritative pronouncements, although they had little or no knowledge of his speciality".
The Working Group on Financial Markets, also known as the President's Working Group on Financial Markets
In 2006, his working group also managed to lift the veil on an old mystery of physics: they succeeded in the first experimental observation of Efimov States, mysterious quantum states that the Russian scientist Vitali Efimov had theoretically predicted in the early 1970s.
The International Society of Automation (ISA) started formalizing SCADA security requirements in 2007 with a working group, WG4.
He was a member of the Community Rating Reference Working Group for Noosa Shire Council in 2007, and a founding member of the Lake MacDonald Catchment Coordinating Committee for Noosa Shire.
Resolution 1566 also called for the creation of a working group that will expand the list of terrorist entities under sanction beyond the Taliban and Al-Qaida.
Acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, it set up a working group to consider recommendations on measures to be imposed against "individuals, groups or entities involved in or associated with terrorist activities" not already identified by its Al-Qaeda and Taliban sanctions committee.
The W3C Device Description Working Group (DDWG), operating as part of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Mobile Web Initiative (MWI), was chartered to "foster the provision and access to device descriptions that can be used in support of Web-enabled applications that provide an appropriate user experience on mobile devices."
He has served on numerous national and international boards and working groups, including the board of the Netherlands' Physical Society (NNV), the Dutch division of the International Solar Energy Society, the working group on renewable energy of the World Energy Council, the working group on energy supply mitigation options of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources for Development of the United Nations (UN-CENRD).
To carry out this charge the Working Group has organized three Conferences (Paris, 2002, Rio de Janeiro, 2005 and Seoul, 2008) gathering teams from more than 60 countries, raising data about the situation of women in physics in different countries and distributing a survey (organized by the American Institute of Physics) about the status of women in physics.