
unusual facts about Wrath

Alejandro Doria

His reputation as a leading filmmaker in Argentine cinema was restored with the 2006 release of Las manos (The Hands) a bio-pic on the life of Father Mario Pantaleo, an Argentine priest who incurred the Vatican's wrath following reports he possessed healing hands.

Angelo Tartaglia

Released, he assumed responsibility for the defeat but not enough to appease the wrath of Muzio Attendolo, who didn't tolerate his action.

Arthur Billitt

He took over from the first presenter Percy Thrower who in 1976 invoked the wrath of the BBC by falling foul of their 'no advertising' policy and was fired for endorsing fertilisers on TV.

Arthur French, 5th Baron de Freyne

He incurred the wrath of his father when on November 18, 1902, he married Annabelle Angus, the daughter of an innkeeper in Banffshire and the divorced wife of a brother officer, one Captain Alexander, and was cut off.

Asura's Wrath

According to the game's producer Kazuhiro Tsuchiya, Asura's Wrath takes elements from Hinduism and Buddhism and blends them with science fiction, with the main character based on the ever combative and superiority-seeking beings of the same name that are part of the Hindu and Buddhist cosmology.

Christian eschatological views

Mid-tribulation view holds that the rapture occurs halfway through; Prewrath holds that the rapture occurs some time in the midst of the tribulation in the latter 3.5 years, but before God's wrath is poured out upon the nations.

Darada Kingdom

Mahabharata also notifies that the Daradas, Sakas, Kambojas, Yavanas etc. were originally Kshatriyas but were slowly sank to the status of vrishalah or degraded Kshatriyas due to the wrath of the Brahmanas.

Deus Irae

Alice keeps the shirt as it is the only remaining likeness of his face, leaving her with the only true shroud of the God of Wrath, equivalent to Catholic legends about Saint Veronica and the Shroud of Turin.

Diether von Isenburg

In 1461 he went to Nuremberg for Imperial and Papal reform, and its recommendations earned him the wrath of both the Emperor Frederick III and Pope Pius II.

Ella Kenion

guest starring an episode of Big Finish's Doctor Who Wrath of the Iceni, where she played Boudica, Celtic queen of Britain with Tom Baker.

Five Thieves

The group of five evils comprises Kam (lust), Krodh (rage), Lobh (greed), Moh (attachment) and Ahankar (ego) in Sanskrit; translated into English these words mean lust/addiction, wrath/rage/anger, materialistic greed, attachment/worldly infatuation and ego/pride respectively.

Friðrik Ólafsson

For this attempt, Olafsson drew the wrath of the Soviets, who then backed the FIDE Vice-President, Florencio Campomanes for Presidency of FIDE.

Gille Aldan

Richard Oram argues that the creation of the Bishopric of Whithorn probably encouraged the wrath and enmity of Bishop Wimund of the Isles, who seems to have regarded the area as his natural area of authority.

Giovanni Volpi

Following the great walkout, Volpi felt the wrath of Enzo Ferrari who refused to sell him the two 250 GTOs he requested.

Goebel Brewing Company

In the John Bellairs book The Trolley to Yesterday and its eventual sequel The Wrath of the Grinning Ghost, the character of Brewster (really Horus, a god of Upper and Lower Egypt) is given his name because he bears a resemblance to Brewster Rooster.

Hard Luck

Shortly after his release from prison, Lucky tries to get back on his feet but inexplicably ends up a victim of Hurricane Katrina's wrath, and loses his newly found life.

Hartford circus fire

In recent years, the Hartford circus fire has been covered in detail in several works of non-fiction, including an episode of The History Channel show The Wrath of God and a book Circus Fire by Stewart O'Nan.

He Jianjun

While Red Beads would win a FIPRESCI award in the 1993 International Film Festival Rotterdam, the film also caught the wrath of Chinese censors, who blacklisted He Jianjun in 1994 along with several other prominent filmmakers, including Tian Zhuangzhuang, Wang Xiaoshuai, Wu Wenguang, Zhang Yuan, and Ning Dai.

Hell Razah

The group released their self-titled debut album Black Market Militia that same year, with production from Godz Wrath and Bronze Nazareth, and guest appearances from dead prez and Abiodun Oyewole of The Last Poets.

It's a Big Daddy Thing

Also, one of the songs in the album, "Wrath of Kane," appears in live performance taken from the Apollo Theater.

Ivor the Invisible

On the way home, Ivor incites the wrath of an angry mob after tampering with the Belisha beacons and pelican crossings.

Jack B. Sowards

He also received a Saturn Award nomination for his work on The Wrath of Khan and shared a Hugo Award nomination for it as well.

Jasper Wrath

In time, complications in obtaining British work permits, they take a holiday in Majorca, Spain co-writing some of Jasper Wrath’s most memorable compositions, i.e.: "You", "The Dream", "Somewhere Beyond The Sun", "The City", "Touch The Sky", and "The Ghost of Way".

Kahlen Rondot

The judges were most impressed with Kahlen's portrayal of the Springbok, South Africa's national animal, and when she portrayed Wrath during a shoot based on the 7 Deadly Sins.

Kushiel's Avatar

She knows that she has been given this covenant so that she may free Hyacinthe from Rahab's curse of the Master of the Straits and should not utter the Name for any other reason or face the One God's wrath.

La Asunción

An interesting display in the museum is a sculpture of the tyrant ruler Loe de Aguierre who had terrorized the islanders during 1561; this event is featured in the picture titled Aguierre, the wrath of God produced by Warner Herzog with Klaus Kinski in the lead role.

Leon Errol

Most of these were marital farces in which Leon would get mixed up with a pretty girl or an involved business proposition, and face the wrath of his wife (usually Dorothy Granger); the theme tune to the series was the nursery rhyme, London Bridge Is Falling Down.

Mateo Castellanos

This however sparks the wrath of her friends Donald and Jacqueline Stewart (Kenny Ireland and Janine Duvitski), who lure Mateo to their room and sexually assault him with a cucumber.

Orange-bellied Parrot

The Orange-bellied Parrot earned the wrath of Victorian premier Jeff Kennett in the 1990s.

Paul Scarron

According to this story, Scarron, while residing at Le Mans, once tarred and feathered himself as a carnival freak and was obliged to hide in a swamp to escape the wrath of the townspeople.

Peter Whitney

Beyer accidentally kills his wife in a fit of rage and runs into Laramie, Wyoming, to escape the wrath of her pursuing brother.

Protective custody

In Nazi Germany, the German equivalent term, 'Schutzhaft', was used as a euphemism for the extra- or para-legal rounding-up of political opponents and especially Jews, sometimes officially defended as being necessary to protect them from the 'righteous' wrath of the German population.

Richard Peacock

When the line was acquired by the York and North Midland Railway in 1840 he worked under Daniel Gooch at Swindon, but reputedly fled to escape Gooch's wrath.

Ron Sweed

With Anderson's permission, and a name change to protect himself from the legal wrath of WJW, Sweed took "The Ghoul" to Kaiser Broadcasting station WKBF-TV in 1971.

Sejfulla Malëshova

Malëshova had emerged as a moderate communist, often inviting publications without regard to their ideological content, which brought him the wrath of Enver Hoxha, particularly after an appeal by the Writers League to Harry Truman and Clement Attlee for Western recognition of Albania.

War hammer

Shao Khan has a type of maul called the Wrath Hammer which he has used extensively since his debut.

Wrath of the Math

Wrath of the Math is the second album by hip hop artist Jeru the Damaja.


After being chosen by Hongren, the fifth patriarch, Huineng had to flee by night to Nanhua Temple in the south to avoid the wrath of Hongren's jealous senior disciples.

see also