The series begins with personifications of two of the five elements, Raindrop (water) and Shao Yen (wood), training with their Master, Yun, in the ancient art of Chitaido.
In just moments, one can determine anyone’s "Wu Xing" -Five Element personality type— their character, behavior, and health potential — by analyzing their face.
The contents of Taiping Jing are diverse, but primarily deals with subjects such as heaven and earth, five elements, Yin and yang and the sexagenary cycle.
XING | Wu Xing | Xing Kong | Xu Xing | Xing Xin | Xing | Wu xing | Kui Xing, holding a ladle and standing on an ''ao (turtle) | Kui Xing | Gao Xing |
Syncretism allowed various schools of thought such as Yi, Yin yang, Wu xing and Ren to mutually complement one another without threatening traditional religious practice or new religious movements.