It is producer of animated children's entertainment such as Gumnutz: A Juicy Tale, Master Raindrop, and Zeke's Pad.
The series begins with personifications of two of the five elements, Raindrop (water) and Shao Yen (wood), training with their Master, Yun, in the ancient art of Chitaido.
Master of Arts (postgraduate) | Master of Arts | Master of Business Administration | Master's degree | Master of Science | master's degree | Master of the Rolls | Master | Master P | Master of Laws | Master of Fine Arts | Master of Arts (Oxbridge and Dublin) | Master of Divinity | Old Master | Master's Degree | Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World | Master of Wine | Master of Education | His Master's Voice | Captain N: The Game Master | Master of the Horse | Master-General of the Ordnance | The Master and Margarita | Master of Theology | master | Master's | Master of ceremonies | Master of Arts (Scotland) | Master of Arts (Oxbridge) | Master of Architecture |