
3 unusual facts about Wulfstan

Revolt of the Earls

Roger, who was to bring his force from the west to join Ralph, was held in check at the River Severn by the Worcestershire fyrd which the English bishop Wulfstan brought into the field against him.


By the tenth century, there was clearly no "pagan" connotation left with such names, and saints and bishops bore names such as Wulfstan or Wolfgang).

It could figure as the first element in dithematic names, as in Wulfstan, but especially as second element, in the form -ulf, -olf as in


Wulfstan sailed from Hedeby (Haithabu), Jutland to Truso in seven days keeping Weonodland ("Wendland") on the right as far as the mouth of the Weissel (Vistula).

see also