
3 unusual facts about Yereance-Berry House

New Barbadoes Township, New Jersey

The early colonial owner is recalled in the name of a stream in the New Jersey Meadowlands, Berrys Creek, and the historic Yereance-Berry House.

Yereance-Berry House

Berry had previously lived in Barbados and named his grants New Barbadoes, a name that remained in official use until 1826.

The house, 91 Crane Avenue at the corner of Meadow Road at the edge of the New Jersey Meadowlands, was inventoried by the Historic American Buildings Survey of the Library of Congress in 1938.

Palmer, Alaska

In 1971, the National Outdoor Leadership School started operating wilderness education courses in the nearby Talkeetna and Chugach mountain ranges from a local historic farmhouse, the Berry House, which is currently listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

see also