Directed by Michael Salomon, the music video introduces a young man speaking with a beautiful and wealthy older woman (Tané McClure) as he helps others clean up after a party.
Kiss (band) | Kiss | Kiss Me, Kate | KISS | Kiss of the Spider Woman | Paradise Kiss | The Long Kiss Goodnight | Kiss of the Spider Woman (film) | Kiss Kiss Bang Bang | Shanghai Kiss | Kiss of the Spider Woman (musical) | Kiss Me | Kiss Land | Kiss from a Rose | I Shouldn't Be Alive | With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness | U-Kiss | The Kiss of the Vampire | Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye | Kiss Network | Kiss Me, Stupid | Kiss Me Kate | Kiss Me Deadly | Killer's Kiss | A Kiss for Cinderella | Kiss Me, Kate (film) | Kiss Me Kate (film) | Kiss a Girl | I'll Kiss Your Memory | I Kiss Your Hand, Madame |