
2 unusual facts about Zaka

Edward Beck

Beck also serves as an international Vice President of ZAKA, Israel's international search and rescue group who are first responders to natural disasters, terrorism and other man-made disasters throughout the world, such as Katrina, Japan, Haiti, Mumbai, Spain, 9/11 and other events throughout the world.

Patt Junction Bus Bombing

The charred remains of the bus were shipped to America and displayed at the biannual Jewish Expo fair in New York at the initiative of Zaka, an Israeli rescue and body parts recovery organization whose volunteers scrape up fragments of blood and flesh from bomb scenes for burial in keeping with Jewish law.


ZAKA | Zaka |

AS Adema 149–0 SO l'Emyrne

Following the match, the Fédération Malagasy de Football suspended the SOE coach, Zaka Be, for three years, and four of the team's players – defender Mamisoa Razafindrakoto, the captain of the Madagascar national football team the "Scorpions", SOE captain Manitranirina Andrianiaina, and players Nicolas Rakotoarimanana and goalkeeper Dominique Rakotonandrasana – were suspended until the end of the season and banned from visiting stadiums for the same period.

Pikuach nefesh

A ZAKA delegation, a rescue team made up of ultra-orthodox Jewish men worked in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince soon after the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

see also