
unusual facts about Zebrafish


Eduardo Kac

Notably, since Alba's conception, GFP zebrafish have hit the commercial market under the trademarked name, GloFish.

FGF and mesoderm formation

Activation of FGF by two ligands that function together, FGF4 and FGF8 (17) in Xenopus and FGF8 and FGF24 in zebrafish (18), is necessary for mesoderm formation.

Floor plate

Furthermore, in zebrafish, Nodal signaling is required for differentiation of medial floor plate cells whereas Shh is expendable.

Genome Reference Consortium

Initially the focus lies with the Human and the Mouse reference genomes, but in mid-late 2010 full maintenance and improvement of the Zebrafish genome sequence was also added to the GRC.

Mir-199 microRNA precursor

Within Dynamin3 gene (Dnm3), miR-199 is associated with miR-214 and both miRs are transcribed together as a common primary transcript, demonstrated in mouse, human and zebrafish.

Phenotypic screening

Example organisms used for high-content screening include the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), zebrafish (Danio rerio) and mice (Mus musculus).

Spring viraemia of carp

It has also been shown experimentally to infect other fish species including northern pike, guppies, zebrafish, and pumpkinseed.

see also