
unusual facts about polychrome



It is decorated with a magnificent group of polychrome statuary carved by artists from the Burgundian workshops of Cluny and comprising over 200 statues, which have retained their original colours.

Ceramics of Jalisco

The Tonalá tradition became known as “Tonalá ware” “Polished ornamental ware” or “Guadalajara polychrome.” A number of these pieces were exported Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, mostly to Spain but examples reached Italy and other areas.

Chantilly porcelain

Potters from Chantilly were induced to move to Vincennes, initiating the porcelain manufacture that would receive royal patronage at Sèvres and absorb the French market for porcelain of the highest refinement; letters patent of 1752 granting a monopoly to Vincennes of polychrome decors further reduced Chantilly's scope.

Château de Syam

Decoration of the house includes polychrome painting, trompe-l'oeil murals in the eye of the dome, original wallpapers produced by Xavier Mader for the manufacturer Joseph Dufour et Cie, candelabra and chandeliers by Pierre-Philippe Thomire, and original Empire and Restauration period furniture.

Compton Potters' Arts Guild

The resultant Romanesque/Gothic revival exterior of the Watts Mortuary Chapel aroused such interest, that before work on the polychrome interior had started, Watts had set-up permanent Arts and Crafts communities in both Compton and her home-town of Aldourie, Scotland.

Ely Jacques Kahn

As for ornamentation, Kahn, who earlier had been inspired by the abstract geometric forms of Moorish and Persian architecture, was, from the mid-twenties onward, highly innovative in adapting the new Art Deco style with polychrome cubist or zigzag motifs reflecting the Jazz Age.

Jemdet Nasr period

Similar tablets, together with splendidly painted monochrome and polychrome pottery, were also shown to Stephen Langdon, then director of the excavations at Kish, by local Arabs in 1925.

Léon Vaudoyer

In 1852 he was given responsibility for reconstructing the Sorbonne (unrealized), and also for designing the polychrome Cathédrale Sainte-Marie-Majeure in Marseilles.


This site appears to be larger than the rest; it exhibits low earthen mounds, and is particularly prized by local looters for its high-quality polychrome pottery and gold artifacts.

Romanesque architecture

Other notable Romanesque baptisteries are that at Parma Cathedral remarkable for its galleried exterior, and the polychrome Baptistery of San Giovanni of Florence Cathedral, with vault mosaics of the 13th century including Christ in Majesty, possibly the work of the almost legendary Coppo di Marcovaldo.

Roosevelt Red Ware

Dinwiddie Polychrome has a very restricted spatial distribution and may "not occur west of a line drawn through Kinishba, near Whiteriver, and the Nine Mile site, near Bowie Arizona" (Neuzil and Lyons 2005: 30).

Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy

Gaudenzio Ferrari, Statue of Christ on the Road to Calvary, Polychrome wood, ca.


The interior of the church is exemplary of the local version of Baroque style, with a large quantity of polychrome sculpture and decoration, including a spectacular pulpit.

Sant'Andrea in Percussina

Not far from here, just outside Spedaletto, is the twelfth-century church of S. Maria a Casavecchia, which contains a Della Robbia polychrome altarpiece in terracotta.

Territorial Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore

The church houses also a canvas by Jacopo Ligozzi (Assumption, 1598), behind the high altar, and a 14th-century polychrome wooden Crucifix, in the Sacrament Chapel.

see also