
2 unusual facts about Zinoviev letter

Zinoviev letter

The immediate cause of the parliamentary defeat had been the government's decision to drop the prosecution of communist editor John Ross Campbell under the Incitement to Mutiny Act 1797 for publication of an open letter in Workers Weekly calling on soldiers to "let it be known that, neither in the class war nor in a military war, will you turn your guns on your fellow workers."

--somebody needs to examine this book if they get a chance.--> Another 2006 book on spycraft attributes authorship to Vladimir Orlov (1882–1941), a former aide to Baron Wrangel during the Russian Civil War.

Maurice Gwyer

Allegations had been made in the course of litigation suggesting that senior Foreign Office officials had taken advantage of their knowledge to speculate in foreign currencies; and these broadened to suggest that one senior official had manipulated the publication of the so-called Zinoviev letter so as to ensure the defeat of the Labour government in the general election of 1924 and thereby facilitate a spectacularly profitable foreign currency coup.

see also