
3 unusual facts about Zuma Canyon

Zuma Canyon

As the detectives begin to close in on the suspect, Winters receives a surprise visit at home where a car slows down in front of his house, just before a gunman opens fire, Winters getting shot in the side protecting his daughter Lily (Caitlin Carmichael).

While Casey (Teri Polo) performs CPR, their telephone rings; Cesar's filtered voice leaves an ominous message on the answering machine – Winters dies in the hospital, causing everyone to grieve, even various police officers and members of the district attorney's office that were in the waiting area.

During their search for answers, they find an eleven-year-old Yaqui Indian boy from Sonora, Mexico named Fernando (Quinton Lopez) protecting acres of marijuana, and discover he is the only witness that can help the case, although he doesn't talk and tell them who he is because he fears the man with "snakes feet" - Caesar Vargas (Jose Pablo Cantillo), who owned the marijuana field.

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