
unusual facts about accountability

Breach of Trust: How Americans Failed Their Soldiers and Their Country

Also included is a "conscience-easing” event staged by the Boston Red Sox on a July 4th. Furthermore, accountability is affixed to well-known left and right "pro-war" writers, and David Brooks is the most criticized. Bacevich explains that attitudes such as shown by this set of writers has developed from a lack of suffering consequences because consistent forecasting inaccuracies are overlooked, "as long as those failures favor the use of military force".

Charles B. Reed

Reed serves on the boards or in other leadership capacities for many organizations including Urban Serving Universities, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention, the National Center for Educational Accountability, The College Board, and EdVoice.

Chartist Mural

An editorial in the South Wales Argus on 31 October commented that "there is a lack of transparency and accountability at the top of the council that has now reached a stage where it is damaging Newport's reputation in the outside world. The timing and manner of the mural demolition was just plain stupid. It resulted in damaging publicity across the media, locally and nationally...".

Daniel R. Levinson

In the wider government accountability community, Levinson serves on the Executive Council of the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, where he chairs the Committee on Inspection and Evaluation.

Darfur Peace and Accountability Act

The Darfur Accountability Act (S. 495) was introduced on 2 March 2005, by former Sen. Jon Corzine (D-NJ).

The Darfur Genocide Accountability Act (H.R. 1424) was introduced on March 17, 2005, by Rep. Donald Payne (D-NJ).

Doug Guetzloe

Guetzloe helped found the Florida Taxpayers Union in 2004 as an affiliate of the National Taxpayers Union, a grassroots organization working for lower taxes, smaller government and accountability from public officials.

Election Defense Alliance

It was established as a national coordinating body to promote and support citizen activism at the local and state level to restore integrity and public accountability to the electoral processes of the United States.

Federal political financing in Canada

In 2009, an annual report by Global Integrity, an independent non-profit organization that tracks corruption trends around the world, said that Canada posted a slight "downward tick" based on secrecy surrounding political financing and gaps in government accountability.

Governance Initiative for Rights and Accountability in Forest Management

The Governance Initiative for Rights & Accountability in Forest Management (GIRAF) is a project executed in Ghana with funds from the European Union (EU) and its partners CARE Denmark, CIVIC Response, Friends of the Earth-Ghana and Centre for Indigenous Knowledge.

High school graduation examination in the United States

Opponents of the use of test-based accountability, as typified by the report of the National Research Council on the subject, argue that the exams lead to more high school dropouts without increasing student performance.

James V. Grimaldi

His work has focused on accountability stories bout Congress, politicians, presidential campaigns, D.C. public schools, the Washington Redskins, the {Smithsonian Institution, the National Zoo, and any other areas.

Jean René Allard

He frequently referenced the spiritual legacy of Big Bear in this article, claiming that the 19th-century chief's methods point the way to renewed accountability and personal choice.

Jeanne Woodford

In 2004, she was appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Undersecretary of the CDCR, where she oversaw an eight billion dollar budget, brought accountability to the department through data-driven decision-making, and advocated for rehabilitation programs and a sentencing commission for California.

John M. Ackerman

He has contributed to international newspapers such as Proceso, La Jornada, El Universal, Reforma of Mexico, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Houston Chronicle, San Diego Union-Tribune in the United States and The Guardian in the United Kingdom on the topics of corruption control, elections, transparency, accountability, autonomous institutions and citizen participation.

Karl Keith

Keith earned the Ohio Financial Accountability Certification from the Ohio State Auditor in 2002 and has been certified as a Cash Manager by the Association of Financial Professionals.

Lee Fang

Fang interned with ThinkProgress and served as a researcher for Progressive Accountability.

Leutrell Osborne

In simple language, the U.S. Government should only perform genuine counterintelligence operations and discontinue covert action operations that don't have heavy and close oversight and accountability.

Liberal Vannin Party

The Liberal Vannin Party put forward several candidates at the 2006 general election, and campaigns on a platform of greater accountability and openness in government.

Logical access control

Logical access controls are tools used for identification, authentication, authorization, and accountability in computer information systems.

Madani Inamaat

Madni Inamaat or Madani Inamaat is a questionnaire composed by Shaykh Sheikh Maulana Ilyas Attar Qadri, the head of Dawate Islami, intended to assist Muslims with self-analysis and personal accountability, assessing observance of fard (obligatory), wajib (compulsory), Sunnah (Prophetic ways) and mustahibbāt (recommended) matters.

Marketing effectiveness

The overall accountability for brand leadership and business results is often reflected in an organization under a title within a (Brand management) department.

Neri Javier Colmenares

His recent papers include a Primer on the Writ of Habeas Data, The Comparative Analysis of the Writ of Amparo, Impeachment as a Constitutional Accountability Mechanism, the Party List system Law, and the International Criminal Court and other articles for the Philippine Law Journal and was Associate Editor of the World Bulletin of the UP Law Center on the issue of international crimes.

Nihal Sri Ameresekere

Ameresekere once challenged the Sri Lankan Government's Appropriation Bill in the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka and raised several cogent issues on the Government’s Fiscal transparency and accountability to the public.

Patrick M. McCarthy

Captain McCarthy gave testimony at the trial of Omar Khadr, where he stated “Mr. Khadr was always very respectful...He had a pleasant demeanor. He was friendly.” Captain McCarthy went on to state “Fifteen-year-olds, in my opinion, should not be held to the same level of accountability as adults”, arguing that Omar Khadr has the potential to be rehabilitated.

Real Audiencia of Manila

Edward Gaylord Bourne described the process as extremely harsh: "It was designed to provide a method by which officials could be held to strict accountability for all.

Robert A. G. Monks

He is the author of Corpocracy and The New Global Investors and, with Nell Minow, Watching the Watchers, Corporate Governance and Power & Accountability.

Rod Paige

As a trustee and an officer of the Board of Education of the Houston Independent School District (HISD) from 1989 to 1994, Paige coauthored the board's 'A Declaration of Beliefs and Visions', a statement of purpose and goals for the school district that called for fundamental reform through decentralization, a focus on instruction, accountability at all levels, and development of a core curriculum.

Society for Women's Health Research

They worked with the Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues, its Executive Director - Leslie Primer, and Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) to persuade the General Accounting Office (GAO; now the Government Accountability Office) to address the issue.

United States House Committee on Accounts

In addition, the committee was responsible for the accountability of officers of the House, the procurement of rooms for the use of House committees and for the Speaker, and for recommending and authorizing the employment of such persons as stenographers, reporters of debates, janitors, and clerks and staff assistants for committees, members and senators.

William St Clair

'The Elgin Marbles: Questions of Authenticity and Accountability', International Journal of Cultural Property, 2 (1999).


The content of Williswinde was: Voorrede (Preface), Weemoed (Melancholy), Viviane, Williswinde, Ginevra, Semiramis, Fragmenten uit Johannes' Apocalyps (Fragments from the Book of Revelation of John) and Verantwoording (Accountability).

Yar Hussain

However, this almost one-party system, showing the strong commitment of Yousafzai Pakhtuns to Bacha Khan and his mission, has also had some negative effects, like the lack of electoral accountability of ANP candidates.

see also