
5 unusual facts about authorization


An example is the 2002 'The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe' , which was collected from Stephen Hawking's lectures and published without his permission as per copyright law.

Boom barrier

In some places, boom gates are installed across suburban streets as a traffic calming measure, preventing through traffic, while allowing authorised vehicles such as emergency services and buses to take advantage of the shorter and more direct route.

Police Stop!

Note: This episode has three versions; two are edited for syndication, due to clearance issues regarding copyright of footage, not censorship purposes.

NOTE: This episode has two versions; the normal version is edited for syndication, due to clearance issues regarding copyright of footage, not censorship purposes.

Note: This episode has two versions; the normal version is edited for syndication, due to clearance issues regarding copyright of footage, not censorship purposes.

2008 German Beekill Incident

Though the normal corn seed treatment formulation of clothianidin was authorized for use against fruit flies and wireworms at 25 grams of the chemical per 50,000 seeds, the seed batches associated with this incident received a special authorization at a much higher concentration, 62 grams per 50,000 seeds, to protect against an infestation of western corn rootworm.

African Spir

In the same year, he received the imperial authorization and applied for a certificate of registry at Belmont-sur-Lausanne, where he lived with his family.

Article Two of the United States Constitution

During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln suspended the privilege, but, owing to the vehement opposition he faced, obtained congressional authorization for the same.


Close personal ties between BPL Managing Director Gianpiero Fiorani and Banca d'Italia Governor Antonio Fazio ensured prompt authorization of BPL's requests, while those of ABN Amro were stalled.

Benjamin Szold

Szold studied under Rabbis Jacob Fischer of Shalgaw, Wolf Kollin of Werbau, and Benjamin Wolf at the Pressburg Yeshiva, and received the rabbinical authorization from Judah Assod of Bur and Simon Sidon of Tyrnau.

Blister in the Sun

The lawsuit stems partly from Gano's authorization of the use of "Blister" in a Wendy's commercial.

California Valley Airport

To request landing authorization contact John Ruskovich, 805.441-7006 between 10am-4pm PDT weekdays.

Cape Leahy

It was discovered and photographed from the air on January 24, 1947, by United States Navy Operation Highjump, 1946–1947, and named by Rear admiral Richard E. Byrd for Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, U.S. Navy, who, as naval advisor to President Harry S. Truman at the time of Operation Highjump, assisted materially at the high-level planning and authorization stages.

Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association

On 26 September 1993 the Holy See decided that no more episcopal ordinations of the kind administered by Bishop Fan without previous authorization by the Holy See would be allowed.

DiscReet Records

DiscReet was shut down in 1979 following the decision by Warner Bros. to release three albums for which Zappa claimed Warner did not have proper authorization, Studio Tan, Sleep Dirt, and Orchestral Favorites.

Ernő Mesterházy

Ernő Mesterházy has been working not only as a counsellor to Demszky but also he had an authorization, a contract to represent Demszky in financial matters of Budapest including Metro building and BKV (Budapest's public transport company).

François Vatable

The Salamanca theologians, with the authorization of the Spanish Inquisition, issued a new thoroughly-revised edition of them in their Latin Bible of 1584.

George Dilboy

Dilboy had the distinction of being honored by three U.S. Presidents, Woodrow Wilson, who signed the authorization awarding the Medal of Honor, Warren G. Harding, who brought him back to Arlington National Cemetery and Calvin Coolidge, former Governor of Massachusetts, who presided at his final burial.

Group Domain of Interpretation

"AAA" is authorization, authentication and accounting, which might run some kind of AAA protocol.

Honorary citizen of the United States

A person of exceptional merit, generally a non-United States citizen, may be declared an Honorary Citizen of the United States by an Act of Congress or by a proclamation issued by the President of the United States, pursuant to authorization granted by Congress.


In her lawsuit, the HorrorPops singer claims Hard Rock and Mattel have been selling a Barbie doll in her image without her authorization.

In the Pale Moonlight

Hesitant of the plan but driven forward by the Dominion's recent conquest of Betazed, Sisko gets authorization from Starfleet Command for the plan and as he laments, that was the easy part.

Iraqi no-fly zones

While the enforcing powers had cited United Nations Security Council Resolution 688 as authorizing the operations, the resolution contains no explicit authorization.

Jared C. Monti

On July 24, 2009 President Barack Obama signed the authorization for Monti to receive the Medal of Honor for this action.

The President signed the authorization for Monti to receive the Medal of Honor and the medal was presented to his family in a ceremony at the White House in 2009.

Jesse Macbeth

Macbeth's form DD-214, "Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty" record shows he entered U.S. Army service May 1, 2003 and separated from the Army June 13, 2003, without completing basic training, and with no authorization for decorations, medals, badges, citations or campaign ribbons with no service whatsoever in Iraq.


On January 25, 2013, Family Radio filed an application with the FCC requesting authorization to sell KHFR and translator K209CE (licensed to San Luis Obispo, California) to California Lutheran University for $475,000.

Logical access control

Logical access controls are tools used for identification, authentication, authorization, and accountability in computer information systems.

Mel Levine

He supported the 1991 Gulf War Authorization Act, which authorized the use of United States Armed Forces pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution 678.

Morsleben radioactive waste repository

The first partial authorization for retrievable storage of 500 cubic meters of radioactive waste from the crowded central storage depot in Lohmen near Dresden, East Germany was granted in 1971/72.

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014

During the 113th United States Congress, four separate bills titled the "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 were introduced.

Niles Township High School District 219

The first strike authorization by teachers came in October, 1966, when teachers represented by the American Federation of Teachers voted to authorize a strike in order to secure collective bargaining rights.

Oliver Bridge

The Oliver Bridge was constructed across the Saint Louis River in 1916 by the Interstate Transfer Railway Company, a Wisconsin corporation, under special federal authorization from the 60th United States Congress (Session I, Chapter 31, February 20, 1908).


OpenAM has the flexibility to chain methods together along with Adaptive Risk scoring, or to create custom authentication modules based on the JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service) open standard.

Operation Popeye

The chemical weather modification program was conducted from Thailand over Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and allegedly sponsored by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and CIA without the authorization of then Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird who had categorically denied to Congress that a program for modification of the weather for use as a tactical weapon even existed.

Os Tarados

The movie reuses (probably without authorization) many themes from the 'Star Wars' series.

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act of 2013

Section 302, the “Authorization for Medical Products for Use in Emergencies” amends the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) current Emergency Use Authorization authority to enable the FDA to prepare for and prevent a public health emergency rather than simply responding to it.


Indeed a first authorization to put up tables and chairs on the street was given around 1750 to Johann (Gianni) Jokob Tarone (Tarroni), a former distiller probably of Italian descent who had opened a coffeehouse on Graben.

Senjūrō Hayashi

Acting without authorization by the Emperor or central government in Tokyo, Hayashi ordered the 39th Mixed Brigade to cross the Yalu River that same day into Manchuria.

The Best of Hed Planet Earth

Released on June 6, 2006, the album was compiled by Jive Records from the group's first three albums, Hed PE, Broke and Blackout, and released without the group's authorization, permission, consent, or knowledge.

Theodor Reuss

Westcott provided Reuss with a charter dated July 26, 1901 for the Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry and a letter of authorization dated February 24, 1902 to found a High Council in Germania of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia.

U-48-class submarine

In September 1916, Cantiere Navale Triestino (CNT) received authorization to build two boats of the class, U-48 and U-49, with the proviso that the boats be built in Budapest with final assembly at the Pola Navy Yard.

Université Adventiste d'Haïti

Authorized to offer the Baccalaureate degree by the Ministry of Education in 1959, in 1964 it was granted General Conference authorization to offer two-year postsecondary work.

University of Havana

The two men who gave that authorization to the university were Pope Innocent XIII and King Philip V of Spain.

Wass de Czege

He spent considerable time in California, where together with another Hungarian exile he opened a gold-mine, obtained the authorization of the government and had dollars minted.


In 1997, Loughery got authorization to move the transmitter and to change the cities of license to Willow Grove and Cheltenham; at the same time, he arranged to sell the station to RJ Broadcasting Company.


This descriptor follows the XRDS format and connects several services, like authentication or authorization to the Yadis URL.

see also