
unusual facts about advocacy group

Negotiated rulemaking

Negotiated rulemaking is a process in American administrative law, used by federal agencies, in which representatives from a government agency and affected interest groups negotiate the terms of a proposed administrative rule.

see also

BioLogos Foundation

The BioLogos Foundation is a Christian advocacy group established by Francis Collins in 2007.


Connecticut Citizen Action Group, a political advocacy group operating in the US state of Connecticut


California Coalition for Immigration Reform, a California political advocacy group for immigration reduction


The Coalition for the Prevention of Alcohol Problems, a public advocacy group based in Washington, D.C.

Eddington Transport Study

Transport 2000, the public transport advocacy group founded by railway unions in the 1970s, are reported to have said that revenue from road-pricing should be used to improve public transport, particularly the railway network, and not used for road-building.

Gero Hütter

Dr. Huetter received an award on June 3, 2010, from the AIDS Policy Project, a national advocacy group focused on an AIDS cure, and San Francisco Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi on behalf of the people of San Francisco.


Charity evaluator and effective giving advocacy group Giving What We Can had multiple blog posts with critical analysis of GiveWell's 2012 recommendations.

Effective giving advocacy group and charity evaluator Giving What We Can published a blog post on December 12, 2013, stating that they continued to recommend Against Malaria Foundation as their top charity, despite it getting delisted by GiveWell.

Harold E. Varmus

Varmus is an avid bicyclist and an Advisory Committee member of Transportation Alternatives the New York City-based advocacy group for pedestrians and cyclists.

Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees

Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees (IRQR) is an advocacy group founded and headed by Executive Director Arsham Parsi on behalf of Iranian LGBTs seeking safe havens both within and without Iran.

Jérémie Zimmermann

Jérémie Zimmermann (born in 1978) is the spokesperson and co-founder of the Paris-based La Quadrature du Net, a citizen advocacy group defending fundamental freedoms online.

Keep Singing! A Benefit Compilation for Compassion Over Killing

A Benefit Compilation for Compassion Over Killing is a benefit album by Exotic Fever Records supporting the non-profit animal rights advocacy group, Compassion Over Killing.


Light Rail Transit Association, a light rail transit advocacy group based in the United Kingdom


Metabolife took an active role in lobbying against regulation of ephedra, forming an advocacy group called the Dietary Supplement Safety and Science Coalition and contributing heavily to Congressmen Brian Bilbray (R-Calif.) and Dan Burton (R-Ind.), among other politicians.


Student Global AIDS Campaign, an advocacy group with more than 85 chapters at high schools, colleges, and universities across the United States

The Littlest Groom

Similarly, Matt Roloff, then-president of the advocacy group Little People of America, commented on the potential for The Littlest Groom to provide a positive media representation of little people as individuals “just being themselves”: “hiding us behind closed doors or in funny costumes”, he observed, “will never give us the exposure needed to desensitize society to us”.

U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton

The parties to the case were U.S. Term Limits, a non-profit advocacy group, and the politician Ray Thornton, among others.

Voter registration

The law was repealed just prior to the 2010 Federal election, when advocacy group GetUp! won a High Court decision deeming the changes unconstitutional.

Wagon Wheel, Oxnard, California

On March 2, 2009 the San Buenaventura Conservancy, a local non-profit preservation advocacy group – with attorney Susan Brandt-Hawley – filed suit in Ventura County Superior Court against the City of Oxnard, claiming that the City’s approval of the Oxnard Village Specific Plan project violated the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).


The two businesses were reportedly tied with the advocacy group Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), a persistent critic of NPR's coverage for almost a decade.