In short, the bogus pipeline is a fake polygraph used to get participants to truthfully respond to emotional/affective questions (Kassin, Fein, and Markus, 2008).
The Cognitive-Affective Personality System or Cognitive Affective Processing System (CAPS) is a contribution to the psychology of personality proposed by Walter Mischel and Yuichi Shoda in 1995.
A typical Moroccan family organizes its life around television programs in order to avoid any kind of affective interaction among its members.
International Affective Picture System, a set of affective/emotional images used in psychological research
English psychiatrist Henry Maudsley proposed an overarching category of affective disorder.
The term, social illness, implies that the cause of the illness is from social interaction with others and emphasizes that people don't live in isolation, but have complex social interactions with others that can cause cognitive, behavioral, or affective illness.