
unusual facts about algebraic

Stacking factor

From this equation one can also calculate the stacking factor through algebraic manipulation given that the effective area is known.

Algebraic combinatorics

This period is reflected in the area 05E, Algebraic combinatorics, of the AMS Mathematics Subject Classification, introduced in 1991.

Algebraic curve

On the other hand, the sinusoid is certainly not an algebraic curve, having an infinite number of monotone arcs.

Archimedean principle

Archimedean property, a mathematical property of numbers and other algebraic structures.


BCK algebra, in mathematics, BCK or BCI algebras are algebraic structures

C. P. Ramanujam

Accordingly, Ramanujam wrote up in his first year, the notes of Max Deuring's lectures on Algebraic functions of one variable.


Henri Cartan (1904-2008), French mathematician who worked in algebraic topology, son of the above

Cotangent space

This formulation is analogous to the construction of the cotangent space to define the Zariski tangent space in algebraic geometry.

Cycle space

An important application of the cycle space are Whitney's planarity criterion and Mac Lane's planarity criterion, which give an algebraic characterization of the planar graphs.

Dirk Kreimer

Dirk Kreimer (born 1960) is a German physicist who pioneered the Hopf-algebraic approach to quantum field theory with Alain Connes and other co-authors.

Edward J. McCluskey

His thesis, supervised by Samuel H. Caldwell was entitled Algebraic Minimization and the Design of Two-Terminal Contact Networks (1956).

English Opening

Both Holmes and Moriarty eventually play the final moves blindfolded by citing out the last moves in descriptive notation (rather than algebraic, as the former was contemporary in the late 19th century), ending in Holmes checkmating Moriarty, just as Watson foils Moriarty's plans.

Explicit formula

Algebraic expression, a mathematical expression in terms of a finite number of algebraic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation by a rational exponent)

Finite volume method for one dimensional steady state diffusion

The resulting system of linear algebraic equation Linear equation is then solved to obtain distribution of the property \phi at the nodal points by any form of matrix solution technique.

Geometric invariant theory

E.B. Vinberg, V.L. Popov, Invariant theory, in Algebraic geometry.

Giuseppe Pompilj

In 1942 he was lecturer in geometry (he had studied algebraic geometry under the guidance of Federigo Enriques and other Roman mathematicians).

Gordon Royle

Royle is the co-author (with Chris Godsil) of the book Algebraic Graph Theory (Springer Verlag, 2001, ISBN 0-387-95220-9).

Jakob Steiner

Eminent analysts succeeded in proving some of the theorems, but it was reserved to Luigi Cremona to prove them all, and that by a uniform synthetic method, in his book on algebraic curves.

John Lemmon

Lemmon was a pioneer of the modern approach to the semantics of modal logic, particularly through his collaboration with Dana Scott, but also became interested in the rival algebraic semantics of modal logic that follows more closely the kind of semantics found in the work of Tarski and Jònsson.

Julian Coolidge

L. Coolidge (1931) A Treatise on Algebraic Plane Curves, Oxford University Press (Dover Publications 2004).


Nicolas Courtois attacked KeeLoq using sliding and algebraic methods.


The Langlands dual, LG, of a reductive algebraic group G

Levi decomposition

Analogous statements hold for simply connected Lie groups, and, as shown by George Mostow, for algebraic Lie algebras and simply connected algebraic groups over a field of characteristic zero.

Noncommutative torus

Many topological and geometric properties of the classical 2-torus have algebraic analogues for the noncommutative tori, and as such they are fundamental examples of a noncommutative space in the sense of Alain Connes.

Peter Thullen

He obtained a subsequent research fellowship with Professor Francesco Severi in Rome to explore how algebraic geometry could be integrated into the theory of functions of several complex variables.


Postfix notation, a way of writing algebraic and other expressions.

Process engineering

Supporting tools: sequential modular simulation, equation based process simulation, AI/expert systems, large-scale nonlinear programming (NLP), optimization of differential algebraic equations (DAEs), mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP), global optimization

Proofs of Fermat's theorem on sums of two squares

John Stillwell, Introduction to Theory of Algebraic Integers by Richard Dedekind.

Quantum field theory in curved spacetime

Since the end of the eighties, the local quantum field theory approach due to Rudolf Haag and Daniel Kastler has been implemented in order to include an algebraic version of quantum field theory in curved spacetime.

Real field

Formally real field, an algebraic field that has the so-called "real" property

Riemann–Roch theorem

The theorem for compact Riemann surfaces can be deduced from the algebraic version using Chow's theorem and the GAGA principle: in fact, every compact Riemann surface is defined by algebraic equations in some complex projective space.

Risch algorithm

The case of purely algebraic functions was solved and implemented in Reduce by James H. Davenport.

Seki Takakazu

Chinese algebra discovered numerical evaluation (Horner's method, re-established by William George Horner in the 19th century) of arbitrary degree algebraic equation with real coefficients.

Séminaire de Géométrie Algébrique du Bois Marie

In the 1990s it became obvious that the lack of availability of the SGA was becoming more and more of a problem to researchers and graduate students in algebraic geometry: not only are the copies in book form too few for the growing number of researchers, but they are also difficult to read because of the way they are typeset (on an electric typewriter, with mathematical formulae written by hand).

Superposition theorem

The superposition theorem for electrical circuits states that for a linear system the response (voltage or current) in any branch of a bilateral linear circuit having more than one independent source equals the algebraic sum of the responses caused by each independent source acting alone, while all other independent sources are replaced by their internal impedances.

Symbolic integration

It was first implemented in Reduce in the case of purely transcendental functions; the case of purely algebraic functions was solved and implemented in Reduce by James H. Davenport; the general case was solved and implemented in Axiom by Manuel Bronstein.

Tadao Oda

Oda wrote "Algebraic Geometry, Sendai, 1985" with Hisasi Morikawa, a former professor at Nagoya University.


Perhaps the most commonly assumed definition of telicity nowadays is the algebraic definition proposed by Manfred Krifka.

Thue's theorem

Thue–Siegel–Roth theorem, also known as Roth's theorem, is a foundational result in diophantine approximation to algebraic numbers.

Transcendence theory

Euler's assertion was not proved until the twentieth century, but almost a hundred years after his claim Joseph Liouville did manage to prove the existence of numbers that are not algebraic, something that until then had not been known for sure.


Chris Godsil and Gordon Royle (2001), Algebraic Graph Theory. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol.

Type II string theory

The mathematical treatment of type IIB string theory belongs to algebraic geometry, specifically the deformation theory of complex structures originally studied by Kunihiko Kodaira and Donald C. Spencer.

Vincent's theorem

Thesis "Vincent's Theorem in Algebraic Manipulation", North Carolina State University, USA, 1978.

Virginia Ragsdale

Her dissertation, "On the Arrangement of the Real Branches of Plane Algebraic Curves," was published in 1906 by the American Journal of Mathematics.

Vladimir Drinfeld

Drinfeld introduced the notion of a quantum group (independently discovered by Michio Jimbo at the same time) and made important contributions to mathematical physics, including the ADHM construction of instantons, algebraic formalism of the Quantum inverse scattering method, and the Drinfeld–Sokolov reduction in the theory of solitons.

Vladimir Petrovich Platonov

1978: Lenin Prize in Science and Technology, for a fundamental series of works "Arithhmetics of Algebraic Groups and Reduced K-Theory" ("Арифметика алгебраических групп и приведенная К-теория")

William Messing

In his thesis, Messing elaborated on Grothendieck's 1970 lecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Nice on p-divisible groups (Barsotti–Tate groups) that are important in algebraic geometry in prime characteristic, which were introduced in the 1950s by Dieudonné in his study of Lie algebras over fields of finite characteristic.

see also