
unusual facts about algebraic group

Boris Weisfeiler

According to his colleague Alexander Lubotzky, Weisfeiler was studying "the more difficult questions" of algebraic groups in "the case when the field is not algebraically closed and the groups do not split or — even worse — are nonisotropic".

Ichirō Satake

Ichirô Satake is a mathematician working on algebraic groups who introduced the Satake isomorphism and Satake diagrams.

Jens Carsten Jantzen

Jens Carsten Jantzen (born 18 October 1948, Störtewerkerkoog, Nordfriesland) is a mathematician working on representation theory and algebraic groups, who introduced the Jantzen filtration, the Jantzen sum formula, the Jantzen conjecture, and translation functors.

Levi decomposition

Analogous statements hold for simply connected Lie groups, and, as shown by George Mostow, for algebraic Lie algebras and simply connected algebraic groups over a field of characteristic zero.

T. A. Springer

Tonny Albert Springer (13 February 1926 – 7 December 2011) was a mathematician at Utrecht University who worked on linear algebraic groups, Hecke algebras, complex reflection groups, and who introduced Springer representations and the Springer resolution.

see also


The Langlands dual, LG, of a reductive algebraic group G