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The LZ77 and LZ78 algorithms authored by Lempel and Jacob Ziv have led to a number of derivative works, including the Lempel–Ziv–Welch algorithm, used in the GIF image format, and the Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain algorithm, used in the 7-Zip and xz compressors.
Later many authors have been going on to study and use the AGM algorithms, see, for example, the book Pi and the AGM by Jonathan and Peter Borwein.
Through regular international RoboCup tournaments many research teams of students and professors compete and cooperate in the development, testing and evolution of new theories and new algorithms.
Using the LLL-algorithm, Frank, and his student, Éva Tardos developed a general method, which could transform some polynomial time algorithms into strongly polynomial.
Typically, the attitude control algorithms are part of the software running on the hardware which receives commands from the ground and formats vehicle data Telemetry for transmission to a ground station.
Luby and Staddon have used a combinatorial approach to study the trade-offs for some general classes of broadcast encryption algorithms.
Current activities include designing high-performance discrete AD/DA converters and analogue signal processing circuits, DSP algorithms, class D power amplifiers and switch-mode power supplies.
The idea (and name) for cache-oblivious algorithms was conceived by Charles E. Leiserson as early as 1996 and first published by Harald Prokop in his master's thesis at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1999.
He has also co-authored the textbook Algorithms (2006) with Sanjoy Dasgupta and Umesh Vazirani, and the graphic novel Logicomix (2009) with Apostolos Doxiadis.
The classification of the Suite A algorithms categorizes the hardware that store them as a Controlled Cryptographic Item(CCI) under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, or ITAR.
Parser algorithms for context-free languages include the CYK algorithm and the Earley's Algorithm.
Cxense conducts joint R&D with universities such as the University of Oslo (UiO), and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) to develop new algorithms, and is supported by Innovation Norway, the Norwegian Government organization promoting industrial development.
In contrast, for arbitrary graphs the shortest path may require slower algorithms such as Dijkstra's algorithm or the Bellman–Ford algorithm, and longest paths in arbitrary graphs are NP-hard to find.
Then by using statistics and a lot of computing (a 35 dual-Xeon computer-cluster powers these despeckle algorithms) the image is improved.
Since all the fastest known algorithms that allow one to solve the ECDLP (baby-step giant-step, Pollard's rho, etc.), need steps, it follows that the size of the underlying field should be roughly twice the security parameter.
Since there are O(n) edges, this requires O(n log n) time using any of the standard minimum spanning tree algorithms such as Borůvka's algorithm, Prim's algorithm, or Kruskal's algorithm.
He is known for his fundamental contributions to the development of several CFD algorithms for computer simulation of fluid flows, including Particle-In-Cell (PIC), Fluid-In-Cell (FLIC), and Marker-and-Cell (MAC) methods.
Fingerprint Verification Competition, of the International Competition for Fingerprint Verification Algorithms
Certain algorithms require further restrictions on weights; for instance, Dijkstra's algorithm works properly only for positive weights.
In 1977 and 1978, Jacob Ziv and Abraham Lempel published a pair of papers on a new class of lossless data-compression algorithms, now collectively referred to as LZ77 and LZ78.
Like many memoized codes, Hashlife can consume significantly more memory than other algorithms, especially on moderate-sized patterns with a lot of entropy, or which contain subpatterns poorly aligned to the bounds of the quadtree nodes (i.e. power-of-two sizes); the cache is a vulnerable component.
Hashlife is a memoized algorithm for computing the long-term fate of a given starting configuration in Conway's Game of Life and related cellular automata, much more quickly than would be possible using alternative algorithms that simulate each time step of each cell of the automaton.
He is also the Project Leader for the Parallel Algorithms Group at CERFACS in Toulouse.
the Chemistry Development Kit uses JNI-InChI to generate InChIs, can convert InChIs into structures, and generate tautomers based on the InChI algorithms
The SSH 2.0 protocol encrypts data with public key algorithms and protects connections from man-in-the-middle attacks.
Algorithms capable of operating with kernels include Support vector machine (SVM), Gaussian processes, Fisher's linear discriminant analysis (LDA), principal components analysis (PCA), canonical correlation analysis, ridge regression, spectral clustering, linear adaptive filters and many others.
Data is compressed and encrypted in real time using Abraham Lempel LZ based compression and AES encryption algorithms.
It is a peer-to-peer platform for information exchange among nodes in an anonymous way based on several communication algorithms called "Order and Chaos" which can be found in massive social organizations such as ant colonies.
Since 1990 his lab at Georgia Tech has developed a line of gene finding algorithms (the GeneMark line) that have been frequently used in research labs in the US and abroad.
Mehryar Mohri is a professor of computer science at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University known for his work in machine learning, automata theory and algorithms, speech recognition and natural language processing.
Griebel is currently director of the Institute for Numerical Simulation at the University of Bonn, and the Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing in Sankt Augustin.
In 2005, Scott, along with William Scherer III and Doug Lea developed a set of algorithms to handle lock-free concurrent exchanges and synchronous queues.
The Pattern Oriented Rule Implementation (PORI) table is a data structure invented by Amdocs for representation of algorithms for determining a price or set of prices in a financial transaction.
PEVQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Video Quality) for video algorithms,
In PlanetSim, developers can work at two main levels: creating and testing new overlay algorithms like Chord or Pastry, or creating and testing new services (DHT, CAST, DOLR, etc.) on top of existing overlays.
Yuri Gurevich (2000), Sequential Abstract State Machines Capture Sequential Algorithms, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, vol.
PolyEdit can compress and encrypt documents saved in its native Enhanced Text Format (*.etf), using the Blowfish and SHA-1 algorithms.
The Risch algorithm is summarized (in more than 100 pages) in Algorithms for Computer Algebra by Keith O. Geddes, Stephen R. Czapor and George Labahn.
Wallin’s music combines an intuitive freedom with a rigorous mathematical approach, such as use of fractal algorithms to construct melody and harmony, resulting in a music that often hints at the influence of Ligeti, Xenakis and Berio.
Clive Sinclair wanted to design a calculator to compete with the HP-35 using the 080x series of chips, and despite skepticism about the feasibility of the project from Texas Instruments engineers, Nigel Searle was able to design algorithms that sacrificed some speed and accuracy in order to implement scientific functions.
In addition Starlight allows users to build their own named entity-extractors using a combination of algorithms, targeted normalization lists and regular expressions in the Starlight Data Engineer (SDE).
Burgin, as well as other researchers (including Selim Akl, Eugene Eberbach, Peter Kugel, Jan van Leeuwen, Hava Siegelmann, Peter Wegner, and Jiří Wiedermann) who studied different kinds of super-recursive algorithms and contributed to the theory of super-recursive algorithms, have argued that super-recursive algorithms can be used to disprove the Church-Turing thesis, but this point of view has been criticized within the mathematical community and is not widely accepted.
The purpose of SoCS is to promote the study and understanding of combinatorial search and heuristic search algorithms among the public through the organization of scientific meetings, publications, tutorials, and other public scientific and educational activities.
The Harmful Effects of Algorithms in Grades 1–4 is a research paper published in the NCTM 1998 Yearbook and written by Constance Kamii and Ann Dominick.
While formal algorithms have existed for millennia (Euclid's algorithm for determining the greatest common divisor of two numbers is still used in computation), it was not until 1936 that Alan Turing, Alonzo Church and Stephen Kleene formalized the definition of an algorithm in terms of computation.
His freely available (under the terms of the GNU GPL) C++ library of number theory algorithms, NTL, is widely used and well regarded for its high performance.
There are other algorithms for decoding a convolutionally encoded stream (for example, the Fano algorithm).
The idea of using electrical data analyzed by algorithms to assess the quality of the welds produced in robotic manufacturing emerged in 1995 from research by Associate Professor Stephen Simpson at the University of Sydney on the complex physical phenomena that occur in welding arcs.
He has written numerous research papers about Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms and other statistical methodology.