It was proposed by Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac in an editorial accompanying a paper by Friedrich Sertürner describing the isolation of the alkaloid "morphium", which was subsequently renamed to "morphine".
The coca leaf content of the drink, like that in Coca-Cola, has the cocaine alkaloids removed during production, and does not contain the drug.
Alseroxylon is a purified fat-soluble extract of the root of Rauvolfia serpentina, containing reserpine and other nonadrenolytic amorphous alkaloids.
Anabasine is a pyridine and piperidine alkaloid found in the Tree Tobacco (Nicotiana glauca) plant, a close relative of the common tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum).
Anatabine (uh-nat-uh-been,-bin) is one of the minor alkaloids found in plants in the Solanaceae family, which includes the tobacco plant and tomato, that has been shown to affect monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity.
Pipermethystine, an alkaloid present in the aerial portions of the kava plant
Papaverine, an opium alkaloid used primarily in the treatment of visceral spasm
Muscimol, the major psychoactive alkaloid present in many mushrooms of the Amanita genus
Georges Tanret identified an alkaloid (galegine) from Galega officinalis that was evaluated in clinical trials in patients with diabetes in the 1920s and 1930s.
Heathcock is known for tackling the chemical synthesis of complex, polycyclic natural products, often possessing unusual biological activity including Daphniphyllum alkaloids, altohyrtin, zaragozic acid, spongistatins, and many others.
Corynanthine, also known as rauhimbine, is an alkaloid found in the Rauwolfia and Pausinystalia (formerly known as Corynanthe) genera of plants.
Cryptenamine (Unitensen) is a mixture of hypotensive alkaloids extracted from Veratrum album.
The original phytopreparation is an extract of the alkaloid from bulbs of common snowdrop.
Ergotamine is a secondary metabolite (natural product) and the principal alkaloid produced by the ergot fungus, Claviceps purpurea, and related fungi in the family Clavicipitaceae.
One to eight drops of a viscid fluid are secreted, containing quinazolinone alkaloids, dissolved in a watery protein matrix.
It is a synthetic halogenated derivative of febrifugine, a natural quinazolinone alkaloid which can be found in the Chinese herb Dichroa febrifuga (Chang Shan).
Jervine is a steroidal alkaloid with molecular formula C27H39NO3 which is derived from the Veratrum plant genus.
Kopsanone is a bio-active alkaloid isolated from Aspidosperma.
D-Lysergic acid α-hydroxyethylamide (LSH, LAH), also known as D-lysergic acid methyl carbinolamide, is an alkaloid of the ergoline family, and occurs in various species in the Convolvulaceae (morning glory) family and some species of fungi.
Lysergol is an alkaloid of the ergoline family that occurs as a minor constituent in some species of fungi (most within Claviceps), and in the morning glory family of plants (Convolvulaceae), including the hallucinogenic seeds of Rivea corymbosa (ololiuhqui), Argyreia nervosa (Hawaiian baby woodrose) and Ipomoea violacea.
Maytenus, as do most of the Celastraceae, harbours an alkaloid named celastrin first obtained from Celastrus scandens by Prof. Edward S. Wayne of Cincinnati in 1872 as a white, crystalline substance.
As a non-narcotic constituent, it also occurs to a significant amount in the bark of Uncaria tomentosa (Cat’s Claw) along with a number of isomeric alkaloids.
Muscimol (agarin, pantherine) is the major psychoactive alkaloid present in many mushrooms of the Amanita genus.
N-Formylscholarine is an indole alkaloid isolated from the fruit pods of Alstonia scholaris.
Key genes and enzymes for ergot alkaloid biosynthesis have been identified in epichloae and include dmaW, encoding dimethylallyl-tryptophan synthase and lpsA, a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase.
Rauwolscine, also known as isoyohimbine, α-yohimbine, and corynanthidine, is an alkaloid found in various species within the genera Rauwolfia and Pausinystalia (formerly known as Corynanthe).
It can be isolated from several alkaloid-producing plants from the Apocynaceae family (e.g. Catharanthus roseus, Voacanga africana).
Crinine is an alkaloid of the Amaryllidaceae family, and its asymmetric total synthesis was one of the first using the aza-Cope/Mannich reaction.
These aza-tricyclic structures are found in the complex Stemona alkaloid family, as well as in potential drugs such as some immunosuppressants.
Thebaine (paramorphine), also known as codeine methyl enol ether, is an opiate alkaloid, its name coming from the Greek Θῆβαι, Thēbai, an ancient city in Upper Egypt.
Veratramine is a hypotensive alkaloid isolated from the rhizomes of Veratrum.
Members of this family also synthesize tetrodotoxin (TTX), an ancient marine alkaloid and powerful neurotoxin (Na+ pump inhibitor, 1 mg can kill an adult) that serves to protect members of an order of fishes, the Tetraodontiformes (tetras-four and odontos-tooth), which include the puffer fish (see fugu, raw puffer fish served in Japan).
Voacangine (12-methoxyibogamine-18-carboxylic acid methyl ester) is an alkaloid found predominantly in the rootbark of the Voacanga africana tree, as well as in other plants such as Tabernanthe iboga, Tabernaemontana africana, Trachelospermum jasminoides and Ervatamia yunnanensis.
This reaction was the key step in their total synthesis of norfluorocurarine, a Strychnos alkaloid.