
unusual facts about alpine meadow

Imbabura Volcano

Cattle are also an important commodity, and much of the land on and around Imbabura, especially the high-altitude meadows above the tree line, is used for grazing.

Sierras de Córdoba

High exposure causes the limits of tree growth to be quite low at about 2000 metres, above which an extensive alpine grassland dominated by various species of Stipa predominates.

Trifurcula silviae

Adults were collected in an alpine meadow on a steep southern slope, where Lotus corniculatus, Anthyllis vulneraria and Onobrychis montana are the most likely candidates to be its host.

see also

Forbidden Plateau

A sub-alpine meadow on Mount Beecher in the southwest corner of the plateau is the only site in Canada of the Olympic onion (Allium crenulatum).