
unusual facts about grassland

2012 Colorado wildfires

Starting Monday, June 25, 2012, this grassland fire, in and near the small towns of Last Chance and Woodrow in Washington County, burned over 45,000 acres, making it the second largest wildfire by acreage in Colorado in the year 2012 to date, after the High Park fire.

African Marsh Harrier

It is usually found in wetland areas, especially those with reeds, but also occurs in grassland and farmland where it forages.

Aloeides stevensoni

It is found in South Africa, where it is restricted to montane sourveld Grassland on the Wolkberg near Haenertsburg.

Anne Larigauderie

In California (San Diego State University and the University of California – Davis) she worked on root competition among California grassland species for soil nutrient pockets (with Prof. Jim Richards).

Anthony Lagoon

The flooded lake country aroung the permanent water sources support stands of Coolibah, Lignum, Bluebush, Verbine and tussock grassland.

Arrandene Open Space and Featherstone Hill

It contains numerous uncommon plant species characteristic of unimproved grassland, such as greater bird's-foot trefoil, common knapweed and ox-eye daisy.

Bitterne Manor

Some of the surrounding grounds, consisting of grassland, woodland and a natural foreshore to the River Itchen, are maintained by the Council as a public open space.

Box Farm Meadows SSSI

The site also support a variety of typical limestone grassland plants which include Common Rock-rose, Cowslip, Lady's Bedstraw, Common Restharrow, Dwarf Thistle, Burnet-saxifrage, Field Scabious, Quaking-grass and Green-winged Orchids.


North Brewham Meadows is a biological Site of Special Scientific Interest because of the traditionally-managed species-rich meadows which support a neutral grassland community of the nationally rare Common Knapweed Crested Dog's-tail type.

Bull Cross, The Frith and Juniper Hill

woodland which comprises mostly Beech, and Juniper Hill supports Ash, scrub, unimproved calcareous grassland and old quarries.

Chaca chaca

Chaca chaca is a species of angler catfish found in the Ganges-Brahmaputra River system of India and the Ayeyarwady River of Myanmar, where it is found in rivers, canals, and ponds of grassland, scrubland, deciduous forest, and rainforest habitats.

Chail Sanctuary

There is a dense cover of Oak and Pine, apart from the other major grassland covers in the area.

Dichelachne crinita

Within the Sydney region, it is found in grassland to open forest communities, associated with woodland trees such as smooth-barked apple (Angophora costata), Sydney peppermint (Eucalyptus piperita), silvertop ash (E. sieberi) and red bloodwood (Corymbia gummifera), in scrub with coastal banksia (Banksia integrifolia) and broad-leaved apple (Angophora subvelutina).

East Finchley

4.5 ha in size, and contains both woodland and grassland.

Forest cobra

The brown colour phase occurs in coastal and high altitude forest, woodland and thicket, and grassland areas (i.e. Nyanga, Zimbabwe).


Yushan Island is a small tourist island that has rolling grassland and beautiful views of hills and lakes.

Giant Girdled Lizard

Unlike the other rock-dwelling members of Cordylidae, giant girdled lizards live in self-excavated burrows in the silty soil of the Themeda grassland in South Africa.

Grovely Wood

Adjacent to Grovely, to the north, lies the grassland Site of Special Scientific Interest Ebsbury Down.

Kiowa National Grassland

The community of Mills lies within the western unit of the Kiowa National Grassland.

Lavinia Nature Reserve

The marshy grassland surrounding the estuary is home to the only known Tasmanian population of the Golden-headed Cisticola.

Lawson, Australian Capital Territory

It does not have any suburban houses, consisting only of part of Lake Ginninderra, the Belconnen Naval Radio Station, and an open area of grassland where there is a reservoir and substation.

Lepidochrysops hypopolia

Proposed habitats for this species are KwaZulu-Natal Highland Thornveld (Sub-Escarpment Grassland Bioregion) and Carletonville Dolomite Grassland (Dry Highvield Grassland Bioregion) in the Grassland Biome Unit.

Lochmaea suturalis

They do however, have a level of resilience and are able to survive for some time in grassland such as Deschampsia flexuosa.

Middleton Quarry

Where a skeletal soil layer has developed on the quarry floor and spoil heaps, patches of grassland occur, with species characteristic of base-rich soils, such as quaking grass, Briza media, and limestone bedstraw, Galium sterneri.

Neds Corner Station

Much of the rest of the property consists of flat alluvial plains with mallee woodlands, chenopod shrublands, semi-arid grasslands and ephemeral lignum wetlands.

Neufahrn Link

After that, the line runs along the autobahn through the Isar grassland, crosses the Isar and then follows the airport access road.

Ord River Floodplain

Sporobolus virginicus grassland and samphire grow on the mudflats behind the mangroves.

Pittington Hill

Blue moor-grass, Sesleria albicans, a characteristic plant of such grassland, is present but not abundant in the primary grassland on the hill slopes, where herbs such as rock-rose, Helianthemum nummularium, are more common; blue moor-grass is more plentiful in the secondary grassland on the quarry floor and spoil heaps, where it is associated with species such as quaking grass, Briza media, salad burnet, Sanguisorba minor, and autumn gentian, Gentianella amarella.

Preservation Island

The northern section of the island is infested with African Boxthorn, with much of the rest covered by Poa and Stipa grassland.

Preston Hill Country Park

The grassland is grazed occasionally by a herd of feral goats, which came from the Great Orme, near Colwyn Bay in North Wales.

Pretoria National Botanical Garden

An arboretum and natural grassland is located here, besides the Dassie walking trail along the central ridge, and the garden offices.


In mesic, grassland habitats (e.g. Kwa-Zulu Natal Midlands; Wirminghaus & Perrin, 1993; Pretoria Highveld; Brooks, 1974; Zimbabwe grassland; Choate, 1972) and semi-succulent thorny scrub (e.g. Eastern Cape; Perrin, 1980a, b) animals are solitary, with females rearing their litters on their own, and both sexes maintain territories that overlap the territories of the opposite, but not the same, sex (Schradin & Pillay, 2005a).

Richard Hobbs

His first postdoctoral research position was at Stanford University, working with Prof Hal Mooney on serpentine grassland dynamics.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Fires are necessary to maintain many kinds of grassland (see Fire ecology).

Rowley Lodge Field

It has a good diversity of wild flowers, including great burnet and pignut, both characteristic of unimproved grassland.

Sand Point and Middle Hope

The calcareous grassland is dominated by Festuca species and Dactylis glomerata, while the scrub towards the west of the site is dominated by Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) and Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa), while that to the east consists of Common Gorse (Ulex europaeus) and Bramble (Rubus fruticosus agg).


The area close to Scratchwood is acid grassland which has uncommon species such as dyer's greenweed and heath speedwell.

Sharp-tailed Grouse

Manske and Barker (1987) reported sun sedge (Carex inops), needle and thread grass (Hesperostipa comata), and blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis) on lekking grounds in the Sheyenne National Grassland in North Dakota.

Silbury Hill

The hill's vegetation is species-rich chalk grassland, dominated by Upright Brome and False Oat-grass, but with many species characteristic of this habitat, including a strong population of the rare Knapweed Broomrape.

Southern Alps

The mountains are rich in flora with about 25% of the country's plant species being found above the treeline in alpine plant habitats and grassland with mountain beech forest at lower elevations (of the eastern side but not in Westland).

Spotted Harrier

The Spotted Harrier is a terrestrial bird residing in open grasslands, open woodland including acacia and mallee, inland riparian woodland, grassland and shrubland.

Swamp antechinus

The habitat for all subspecies is closed heath, wet dense heath, open forest, open heath, swampy draiages and tussock grassland with bracken and sedge growth.

T. palustris

Triglochin palustris, Marsh Arrowgrass, a variety of arrowgrass found in damp grassland.

Tasman Island

Areas of grassland remain along with other vegetation communities of heathy scrub, regenerating scrub, sheoak woodland, sedgeland and coastal mosaic.

Totteridge Green

Several damp hollows, probably former ponds, contain tussocky grassland with uncommon wild flowers such as great burnet, bog stitchwort and common marsh-bedstraw.

Whitchurch Waterways Country Park

The presence of water and unimproved grassland and patches of semi-natural woodland, particularly around Greenfields Nature Reserve, has created a habitat that includes Cuckoo flower and water voles, as well as many butterfly species.

see also