
unusual facts about SSP

Chambal Fertilisers

The Company dealers provide Urea and other agri-inputs like DAP (Di-Ammonium Phosphate), MOP (Murate of Potash), SSP(Single Super Phosphate), pesticides and seeds.

Alan McCombes

As part of the Sheridan v News International defamation trial, he appeared at the Court of Session on 16 May 2006 following a demand by News International to hand over confidential internal SSP executive committee minutes.

Army Squad

There are also many Angolan rappers well known especially in Africa and in Europe such as SSP, Puro Style, VIP, Negrobue, Heavy C, Marita Venus, Bruna Tatiana, Paul G, Guto, Warrant B and many others.

Blood banana

The blood banana (Musa acuminata ssp. zebrina), is a subspecies of the wild banana Musa acuminata native to Sumatra, Indonesia.

Chief superintendent

In the Hong Kong Police Force, a chief superintendent of police (CSP) ranks between a senior superintendent (SSP) and an assistant commissioner of police (ACP).

Clouded apollo

The most striking specimens include the dark race from the eastern Bavarian Alps (ssp. hartmanni ); form melania has the most pronounced dark colouring.

Cryptantha crinita

Introduced species of plants in the area are also a threat, including red brome (Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens), yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis), and medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae).

E. F. Warburg

Warburg was responsible for the introduction to cultivation of Daboecia cantabrica ssp.

Ed Z'berg Sugar Pine Point State Park

It is covered in mixed coniferous forest with tree species such as Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi), white fir (Abies concolor), Sierra lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta ssp. murrayana), California incense cedar (Calocedrus decurrens), sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana), and red fir (Abies magnifica).

F. Thomson Leighton

He serves on the Board of Trustees of the Society for Science & the Public (SSP) and of the Center for Excellence in Education (CEE), and he has participated in the Distinguished Lecture Series at CEE's flagship program for high school students, the Research Science Institute (RSI).

Gregor Gall

He has written a lengthy and detailed biography of Tommy Sheridan (Welsh Academic Press, 2012), and is working on a history of the SSP.

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

Tomorrow's Airport is a project from Haaga–Helia University in cooperation with Select Service Partner (SSP), Unione and Finavia.

History of the Scottish Socialist Party

The SSP was active in the anti-war movement and the firefighters' dispute, and gained five additional regional list MSPs across Scotland: Frances Curran; Rosie Kane; Carolyn Leckie; Colin Fox; and Rosemary Byrne.

The SSP contested the first elections to the devolved Scottish Parliament in 1999 and succeeded in getting its National Convenor, Tommy Sheridan, elected to represent the Glasgow region.

The SSA's electoral stance was that there needed to be a left alternative to New Labour and the SNP, and the SSA felt that the experience had been enough of a success to go on to form the Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) in 1998, with Tommy Sheridan as its convenor, in advance of the Scottish Parliament general election, 1999.


Among the common tree species used by farmers for milk treatment in production of mursik are Senna didymobotrya, Lippia kituiensis, Prunus africana and Olea europaea ssp.

Papilio jacksoni

"Male as in ssp. echerioides, but black more sooty, median band narrower, reduced to very well separated spots in forewing,white with faint ochreous tinge. Female as in echerioides, but white apical spot does not touch the margin; white spots in hindwing in both sexes well inside margin."(Carcasson, 1960).

Petaluma River

Endangered flora include Soft Bird’s-Beak (Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis), Baker’s Stickyseed (Blennosperma bakeri), Burke’s Goldfields (Lasthenia burkei), Showy Indian clover (Trifolium amoenum), Sebastopol meadowfoam (Limnanthes vinculans).

Physaria kingii

One, the San Bernardino Mountains bladderpod (ssp. bernardina), is a very rare plant known from only a few spots near Big Bear in the San Bernardino Mountains of southern California.

Polyphylla barbata

There are several rare, threatened plant species in the area, including the Ben Lomond wallflower (Erysimum teretifolium), the Ben Lomond spineflower (Chorizanthe pungens ssp. hartwegiana), and the Santa Cruz cypress (Callitropsis abramsiana).

Ramesh Kharel

Ramesh Parsad Kharel has served as the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) in Pokhara, Kathmandu, and Birgunj.

San Bernardino kangaroo rat

5) The Bureau of Land Management set aside three areas along the Santa Ana River for preservation of federally listed species such as D. m. parvus, the Santa Ana River Woolly Star (Eriastrum densifolium ssp. sanctorum), the Slender-Horned Spineflower, and the California Gnatcatcher.

Sands of Forvie

The sand dunes are of various stages of evolution and contain marram grass (Ammophila arenaria), red fescue, (Festuca rubra), crowberry, (Empetrum nigrum), the cross-leaved heath (Erica tetralix), common sedge, (Carex nigra), marsh pennywort (Hydrocotyle vulgaris) and the invasive creeping willow (Salix repens ssp. argentea).

Satellite Sentinel Project

The Satellite Sentinel Project, or SSP, was conceived by George Clooney and Enough Project co-founder John Prendergast during their October 2010 visit to Southern Sudan.

Scottish Republican Socialist Movement

It succeeded at persuading high profile SSP members like Alan McCombes, Rosie Kane, and Kevin Williamson to speak at its rallies and for its cause.

Scottish Socialist Party

In council elections across the country, the SSP won a single seat for Jim Bollan in West Dumbartonshire.

Regarding independence, the SSP's Alan McCombes wrote that "the tearing of the blue out of the Union Jack and the dismantling of the 300-year-old British state would be a traumatic psychological blow for the forces of capitalism and conservatism in Britain, Europe and the USA", and that it would be "almost as potent in its symbolism as the unravelling of the Soviet Union at the start of the 1990s".

The 2003 elections to the Scottish Parliament saw the SSP become the largest left-wing party in Scottish politics, gaining five additional MSPs across Scotland: Frances Curran; Rosie Kane; Carolyn Leckie; Colin Fox; and Rosemary Byrne.

Sekolah Seri Puteri

Sekolah Seri Puteri, also known as SSP, is an all-girls boarding school (Sekolah Berasrama Penuh) located in Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Synchronous Serial Port

A Synchronous Serial Port (SSP) is a controller that supports the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), 4-wire Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI), and Microwire serial buses.

Timeline of cultivation and domestication in South and West Asia

9th millennium BCE: Barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare) is domesticated in the Fertile Crescent in West Asia.

see also