With over 400 Sailors in ACU-5, the operation department is in charge of the deployments, some of the sailors are deployed with amphibious readiness groups (ARG's).
The GAZ5903V Vetluga is a Russian heavy firefighting vehicle, a modified BTR-70 amphibious armored personnel carrier with an externally mounted fire suppression system in a large vertically movable turret.
A military Amphibious vehicle vehicle using a metal boat style hull and KC truck mechanicals.
All-terrain vehicle | Unmanned aerial vehicle | Remotely operated underwater vehicle | Sport utility vehicle | electric vehicle | unmanned aerial vehicle | Hybrid electric vehicle | Armoured fighting vehicle | Recreational vehicle | launch vehicle | Landing Vehicle Tracked | Amphibious warfare | Vehicle Assembly Building | motor vehicle | all-terrain vehicle | Vehicle registration | Vehicle armour | Street-legal vehicle | Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle | Hybrid vehicle | Amphibious vehicle | vehicle registration | Star vehicle | Remote control vehicle | National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act | Motor vehicle theft | Lunar Roving Vehicle | Gross vehicle weight rating | commercial vehicle | Coach (vehicle) |
The Viking 2992 is an advanced all-terrain amphibious vehicle developed by Aton Impulse, a Russian manufacturer of amphibious vehicles.
The Gibbs Quadski is an amphibious quad bike/ATV, launched in October 2012 by Gibbs Sports Amphibians.
The VBL is fully amphibious and can swim at 5.4 km/h; it is also air transportable by C-130, C-160 and A400M.
During the 1940s and '50s, its famous slogan was "Don't be half-safe—use Arrid to be sure", which gave rise to Half-Safe, the name of the amphibious vehicle which Ben Carlin used to circumnavigate the world in the mid 20th century.
He received the Medal of Freedom, the United States's highest civilian award, for his contributions during World War II in his design and engineering of the DUKW ("duck") military amphibious vehicle.