
unusual facts about ample


Armand Călinescu

The vast majority of sources reacting to the events made ample mention of Nazi backing for Călinescu's killers, with the exception of German media (the latter alleged that Polish and British political forces, as a means to pressure Romania into abandoning its neutrality — this version was supported by, among others, Hans Fritzsche).

Augustine Baker

At the desire of his superiors he now devoted his time and the ample means which he had inherited, to investigating and refuting the recently started error that the ancient Benedictine congregation in England was dependent on that of Cluny, founded in 910.


Recent development of interest for Rice Grain between farmers led to ample production of the product in the area.

Bathtub Madonna

A drive down country roads in Nelson, Marion, and Washington counties will provide ample sightings of these small shrines.

Battle of Pease River

The site was long a favorite of the Comanche, providing both cover from the fierce blue northers that hit the plains, and ample forage for their ponies, with easy buffalo hunting from the nearby herds.

Beaver Kill

They told others of the river's clear waters and ample supply of trout, which Washington Irving wrote of in 1819, noting that its isolation kept it out of easy reach of city dwellers attracted to the new sport of angling.

Bekal Fort

From there one has an ample view of towns in the vicinity like Kanhangad, Pallikkara, Bekal, Kottikkulam, Uduma etc.

Buffalo mayoral election, 2013

The editorial also mentioned the ample airtime on local television the Brown campaign purchased with its massive "fundraising war chest" for its commercial, which prominently featured President Barack Obama's praise of the sitting mayor during a visit to the University at Buffalo on August 22, 2013.

Clatworthy Reservoir

There is ample parking and public toilets at the viewing area which is signposted from Wiveliscombe.

Craig Stadler

Very popular with the galleries, Stadler is affectionately called "The Walrus" for his portly build and ample mustache.

Daniel Santbech

Santbech also studied the subject of gunnery and ballistics as a theoretic discourse as well as for the practical application of war, and utilized the foundations of geometry, with ample references to Euclid and Ptolemy, in order to do so.

Dizzy Detectives

Dizzy Detectives was remade — line-by-line — with Joe Besser and Jim Hawthorne as Fraidy Cat in 1951; Fraidy Cat was itself remade three years later as Hook A Crook, using ample stock footage.

George Kirby

He was an excellent impressionist — targeting, somewhat scandalously for the time, many white actors such as John Wayne and Walter Brennan rather than solely black stars such as Bill Cosby and Pearl Bailey — and, for a man of his ample girth, an unexpectedly agile dancer.


In the conjectural restoration of the opaion or opening in the roof shown in Cockerells drawing, it has been made needessly large, having an area of about one quarter of the superficial area of the celia between the coltirnns, and since in the Pantheon at Rome the relative proportions of the central opening in the dome and the area of the Rotunda are I: 22, and the light there is ample, in the clearer atmosphere of Greece it might have been less.

James Caudy

Caudy hosted Washington again in 1755, and he provided him with an ample supply of grass seed that was likely produced in one of Caudy's fertile fields known as "Caudy's Meadow." Civil engineer Claudius Crozet later made mention of "Caudy's Meadow" in his fieldnotes during the planning and construction of the Northwestern Turnpike nearby.

Jean-Baptiste Robert Lindet

All members of the Committee of Public Safety belonged to bourgeoisie of the ancien regime, were Montagnards, and all had ample experience serving apprenticeships in previous years assemblies or in high offices of state.

King Kullen

Cullen attempted to make his concept public when he wrote to Kroger president Bernard Kroger, proposing a new type of food store with a focus on low prices, cash sales, and without delivery service, in larger stores (at low rents) with ample parking.

Mario Ancona

Physically, he was said to resemble King Edward VII of England because of his pointed beard and ample waistline.

Moses Cohen Henriques

The Dutch didn't take prisoners: they gave the Spanish crews ample supplies for a march to Havana.

Oladele Ajose

As part of the project, the community established fish ponds mostly stocked of Tilapia fish, the ponds were built to provide ample protein for the citizens.


God commanded Moses to speak to a certain "rock in Horeb," which would cause a stream to flow from it, thus providing ample water for all of the people and animals (Numbers 20:8).


As with the other two anchoring cities of Shannan, Shangluo has a monsoon-influenced humid subtropical climate (Köppen Cwa), with cool winters, hot, humid summers, and ample precipitation by provincial standards.

Shorewood-Tower Hills-Harbert, Michigan

Besides the beachfront, its other features are its mesophytic forest with four co-dominant species, including both northern hemlock and southern tulip trees, an ample population of trillium seen in spring, and Deer Creek which winds its way through a common ravine area out to the lake.


It is said that there was no disease during his reign (his name is explained as Old Irish slán, "whole, healthy"; oll, "great, ample").

Souimanga Sunbird

ample stocks of the present species and the white-eye exist in the maybe 4 square km of habitat in the Glorioso Islands.

Spiritual death

Dr. John B. Calhoun saw the social breakdown of a population of mice given ample resources as a second death.

Telecommunications policy of the United States

National Security: With the recent events of our world, such as 9-11, Hurricane Katrina, and others it has been deemed essential that we have in place a dedicated network with ample spectrum for crisis communication.

Tula Arms Plant

Significant ore deposits were situated relatively close to it and it had access to ample transportation routes like the Upa River and many rail lines coming into and out of the city.


King Ferdinand the Catholic wanted to control the power of Military Orders and Pope Adrian VI granted orders to the Kingdom of Castile, passing to Royal Jurisdiction an important patrimony: two cities, two hundred villas (Valdepeñas among them) and a hundred of villages, distributed in an ample territory.

Vnukovo Airlines Flight 2801

Governor Ann-Kristin Olsen traveled to Barentsburg on 30 August to inform the communities about the accident, and distributed ample written information in Russian about the then-known details about the crash.

Washington Irving Memorial Park and Arboretum

He promised the trio would have ample adventures in what was then Indian Territory.

Weapons Races

All eight episodes use mixed examples where applicable with such mentions like the Revolutionary submarine Turtle and the CSS Hunley, but most mentions and examples are from modern warfare where ample film archieves exist, dating mainly from the First World War (1914–18) up to the recent Iraq War (2003).

Webster Bank Arena

The Arena houses 33 executive suites, 1,300 club seats, 3 large hospitality suites, along with a wide concourses with ample guest amenities to bring all guests up close, and also a recently added Sony Jumbotron serving as a scoreboard which stands 30x16 ft., with six-millimeter pixels, and offers a Sony HD system to increase visability.

West Kowloon Terminus

Passengers can easily cross the ground floor between Kowloon Station, Austin Station and West Kowloon Cultural District, providing Hong Kong residents and visitors ample public open space and a comfortable green walking environment.

William H. Milliken, Jr.

Also, the collapse of the 1960 summit between Eisenhower, Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev, French President Charles de Gaulle and British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, over the downing of an American U-2 spy plane over Soviet territory provided Democrats with ample ammunition.


This corresponds to the cold period known as the Little Ice Age, for which there is ample historical evidence of wolves infesting much of the Bavarian Alps.

see also