His professional breakthrough occurred in 2006 when Anise moved to Los Angeles and was working alongside the Three time Grammy Award winning producer KC Porter.
In June 2011 Anise K released his debut single "I Feel Good" co-produced by ARIA Award winning producer, Audius Mtawarira.
Its production is regulated by the denominación de origen "Distilled spirits of Alicante," along with anise paloma, herbero, and the café licor of Alcoy.
The plants used in the production of herbero include at least four of the following: sage, chamomile, pennyroyal, lemon verbena, the root of the blessed thistle, peppermint, cattail, fennel, anise, melissa, agrimony, savory, felty germander, thyme, and French lavender.
Currently, Oliver Twist is available in various flavors: Tropical (flavored with anise), Royal (flavored with English licorice), Sunberry (blackcurrant-flavored), Eucalyptus, Mint, Citrus, Wintergreen, Arctic, Bergamot and Original (sweet licorice).
The usual range of the Anise Swallowtail extends from British Columbia and North Dakota at its northern extreme, south to the Baja California peninsula and other parts of Mexico.
One common variety found in Lima is Turrón de Doña Pepa, an anise and honey nougat that is traditionally prepared for the Señor de los Milagros (or Lord of Miracles) religious procession, during October.